151 |
Incorrect module detected
The module in the given slot does not match the module that is expected in that slot.
152 |
Unsupported module detected
A module was detected in the controller backplane that is not supported by this version of firmware. Consider updating to the latest CPU firmware or contacting Delta technical support.
153 |
Active I/O module removed
An I/O module was removed from the backplane.
154 |
Axis is missing a required I/O module
An I/O module that is part of an axis is missing from the backplane. This will be reported on startup or after a module is removed.
155 |
Unexpected failure saving to flash
An error occurred while updating the flash memory. The operation was not successful.
156 |
Task exception register contents
This error lists the register contents when a task exception occurred. This indicates a problem with the controller firmware and should be reported to Delta technical support.
157 |
Error saving controller image to the SD card
An error occurred while saving the controller image to the SD card. The image was not saved.
158 |
Error restoring controller image from the SD card
An error occurred while restoring the controller image from the SD card. The image was not restored to the controller.
159 |
Valve linearization curve is no longer valid
If the Valve Linearization Type axis parameter is set to Curve, then the curve specified by the Valve Linearization Curve ID axis parameter must be a valid valve linearization curve in order for the axis to operate in closed-loop control.
For details, see Valve Linearization.
160 |
Maximum loop time carryover exceeded
The Loop Time of the RMC is the specified interval at which it updates all the inputs, calculates the control algorithms, and updates the outputs.
This error indicates that the amount of time required to process all these calculations exceeded the set loop time by more than 80%. If the loop time is exceeded by a lesser amount, the RMC normally makes up that time in the following loop times, and there is no impact on control. However, if a loop time is exceeded by 100%, then that loop time is lost, delaying by 1 loop time the RMC's calculations, for example target generation.
If this error occurs, you should take one or more of the following actions:
- Reduce the amount of expressions calculations the user programs
- Reduce the number of axes
- Reduce the number of simultaneous motion commands
- Reduce the amount of communications.
- Select a larger loop time
For more details, see Loop Time.
161 |
Output DMA is unexpectedly busy. Outputs not written this control loop.
This is an unexpected condition that prevented the outputs from being written to the I/O modules for the indicated control loop. Please report this unexpected condition to Delta technical support.
162 |
Real time clock has an internal fault.
The Real Time Clock component on the RMC200 CPU is not behaving as expected and cannot be used. See the RMC200 Real Time Clock topic for details on this condition.
163 |
Real time clock battery is low.
The real time clock on the RMC200 CPU reports a low battery condition. See the RMC200 Real Time Clock topic for details on this condition.
164 |
Home, Registration 0, or Registration 1 disarmed. Required Touch Probe Index removed.
A home or registration arm that used a touch probe was active, and an associated touch probe index axis parameter was changed so it no longer referenced the required touch probe object in the PDO mapping. This forced the arm to be disarmed.
165 |
Unable to enable axis due to inconsistent axis parameters. Count Unwind or Encoder Wrap Min/Max are invalid for Absolute Rotary.
166 |
Home, Registration 0, or Registration 1 disarmed. Touch Probe Position variable invalid.
A home or registration arm that used a touch probe was active, and the associated EtherCAT data was marked as invalid. This forced the arm to be disarmed.
This error indicates that the EtherCAT data object selected by the Touch Probe Positive Index or the Touch Probe Negative Index axis parameter, and as specified by the Arm Home (50) or Arm Registration (52) command, is invalid.
Data could become invalid for various reasons, such as the EtherCAT device disconnected, state not Op or Safe-Op mode, the Touch Probe Position Index axis parameter changed, the object removed from the PDO mapping, or the network is overloaded so that the RMC doesn’t receive data when expected.
167 |
Home, Registration 0, or Registration 1 disarmed. Touch Probe Status variable invalid.
A home or registration arm that used a touch probe was active, and the associated EtherCAT data was marked as invalid. This forced the arm to be disarmed.
This error indicates that the EtherCAT data object selected by the Touch Probe Status Index axis parameter is invalid.
Data could become invalid for various reasons, such as the EtherCAT device disconnected, state not Op or Safe-Op mode, the Touch Probe Status Index axis parameter changed, the object removed from the PDO mapping, or the network is overloaded so that the RMC doesn’t receive data when expected.
168 |
Unable to enable axis due to inconsistent axis parameters. Required EtherCAT PDO is not mapped.
169 |
Enable Axis cancelled.
The attempt to enable the axis timed out or faulted.
170 |
I/O module has incorrect firmware.
The firmware in the specified I/O module does not support a required feature. See the Event Log entry details for specifics.
201 |
Command block dropped
A command or set of commands that was issued to the controller was dropped because too many sets were received simultaneously.
The RMC75 allows up to 6 command sets (up to one command per axis in each set) to be queued up before losing a command set. The RMC150 allows up to 12 command sets (up to one command per axis in each set) to be queued up before losing a command set.
One command set is processed (and thus, removed from the queue) per control loop. It is possible, although unlikely, to overflow the queue by simultaneously issuing commands from multiple sources for consecutive control loops.
202 |
Flash update failed
An attempt to save the RMC settings to Flash failed. This indicates a failure of the RMC hardware. Please contact Delta technical support if this occurs.
203 |
Unable to initialize the PROFIBUS sub-system
The PROFIBUS sub-system of the hardware could not be started. This indicates a failure of the RMC hardware. Please contact Delta technical support if this occurs.
204 |
Target Position went out of limits
The Target Position of an axis went out of limits. Notice that this does not occur because the axis is commanded to go outside of limits, as that is caught by Command Adjusted error 81, but it indicates that a move was given a low deceleration ramp that caused it to move outside the limits.
205 |
Unsupported Flash command received
This is an internal error. Please contact Delta technical support if this occurs.
206 |
Save of IP Setting to Flash failed
The save to Flash failed.
207 |
Command overwritten within a Task step
A command was overwritten in a user program. Check to make sure the step does not issue more than one command to an axis.
208 |
Drive disabled due to Watchdog timeout
This indicates an internal error occurred that caused the control outputs to be disabled. Please contact Delta technical support if this occurs.
209 |
Commands overwritten in the PROFIBUS command area
Commands were left in the PROFIBUS command area when either the first deferred command or a singular command was issued. All commands that had been in the command area are discarded without further processing.
210 |
Command overwritten in the PROFIBUS command area
A command was issued over the top of a deferred command in the PROFIBUS command area. The deferred command is discarded without further processing.
211 |
PROFIBUS read/write length invalid
The length field in the PROFIBUS Enhanced Data Channel had an invalid value.
212 |
No follow-up command after Adv. Gear Move command
No follow-up command was issued after the Advanced Gear Move command completed. See the Advanced Gear Move (33) for details.
213 |
PROFIBUS command received but no axes were selected.
Commands must always be issued to an axis, even if they aren't specific to any axis. Make sure to set the axis select bits.
214 |
Simulate Mode Model Invalid.
The simulator parameter settings resulted in an invalid simulator model. The simulator will not function without a valid model. See the Simulating Motion topic for details.
215 |
Model-based Filter Model Invalid
The feedback model settings resulted in an invalid model. The feedback model will not function without a valid model. See the modeling topic for details.
216 |
Internal Target Generator fault
An internal target generator fault occurred. This error will always halt the axis, regardless of the Auto Stop setting, as is required because the current target generator cannot be used when faulted.
217 |
Count Unwind is invalid for Absolute Rotary SSI.
On axes configured as Rotary Absolute, the Count Unwind parameter must be a power of 2, such as 1024, 8192, etc.
218 |
No follow-up command after Adv. Time Move command.
The Advanced Time Move Absolute (26) and Advanced Time Move Relative (27) commands require that another command be issued to the axis within 10 ms after the Done bit turns on, or the axis will halt.
219 |
Invalid time calculated by Speed at Position command.
The Speed at Position (36) calculated an invalid time. This is typically caused by commanding the axis to move to a position that requires it to change direction of motion. The Speed at Position (36) does not support changing directions.
220 |
Axis Home Failed. Encoder A or B wire break when triggered.
The Homing failed due to a detected A Wire Break or B Wire Break. Check the wiring.
221 |
Positive Limit Input's I/O point is configured as an Output.
The input specified for the Positive Limit Input has been configured as an output and will not be usable as a limit input. Use the Discrete I/O Configuration dialog to configure the I-O point as an input.
222 |
Negative Limit Input's I/O point is configured as an Output.
The input specified for the Negative Limit Input has been configured as an output and will not be usable as a limit input. Use the Discrete I/O Configuration dialog to configure the I-O point as an input.
223 |
Axis Home Failed. Index (Z) wire break.
The Homing failed due to a detected Index (Z) Wire Break. Check the wiring.
224 |
Control Fault. I-PD requires a non-zero Integral Gain.
The Position I-PD and Velocity I-PD require a non-zero Integral Gain. Set the Integral Gain to some non-zero value to use the I-PD control modes.
225 |
Control Fault. Control algorithm is not implemented. Please contact Delta technical support.
An incorrect control mode was selected. Try a different mode. The position and velocity control modes can be set via the Default Pos/Vel Control Mode parameter and the Set Pos/Vel Ctrl Mode (68) command.
226 |
Master Sync Pos cannot equal the current position
The Master Sync Position cannot equal the current position. This error can also be caused by a zero Master Distance, which will result in a Master Sync Position that equals the current position. See the command for more details.
227 |
Task Fault on Task n
This will occur if any of the following occur: an array index is out of range, a command is overwritten (which can occur if a step has commands with both explicitly-specified commanded axes and default commanded axis), or if an invalid Word Code is encountered (internal error).
228 |
Curve Add failed
Curve Add failed.
This can be due to several reasons, such as the Data Format is not correct, or the Curve Store is full.
229 |
No follow-up command after non-terminated Curve profile
This error occurs when a curve has completed, but the ending velocity is non-zero. See the Curve Start (86) command for more details.
230 |
Unable to auto-delete curve due to a full curve processing queue
The curve processing task is too busy to auto-delete the curve. You may need to manually delete the curve.
231 |
Unable to allocate memory from Curve Store or unable to allocate buffer for assembling curve data
The curve store was too full to allocate a new curve or buffer. Delete unused curves to make room for the curve being added.
232 |
Master Register out of range specified by Gear Absolute command
The Gear Absolute (25) command specified the range which the master must be in, but the master was not in this range. Either move the master into the range and re-issue the Gear Absolute command, or choose a different Endpoint Behavior for the Gear Absolute command.
233 |
Master Register out of range specified by Curve
The Curve Start Advanced (88) command specified the range which the master must be in, but the master was not in this range. Either move the master into the range and re-issue the Curve Start Advanced command, or choose a different Endpoint Behavior for the Curve Start Advanced command.
234 |
Failure to save retentive variables to NVRAM
A failure occurred while saving retentive variables to non-volatile memory.
235 |
Not all variables marked retentive can fit in the NVRAM
Too many variables are set to Retain, and do not fit in the non-volatile memory. To fix this problem, use the Variable Table Editor to reduce the number of retentive variables. See the Variables topic for more details.
236 |
Loop Time Exceeded
This error will occur each time the motion loop exceeds the allotted time. This is a serious error and may adversely affect the motion control.
If this error occurs, either increase the loop time or contact Delta technical support for help on how to keep from exceeding the loop time.
237 |
Flash image too large
This error will occur if the Flash update fails because the image is too large. If this problem occurs, decrease the user programming size. For the RMC75E, make sure the firmware is 3.32.0 or newer, as indicated in Program Capacity and Time Usage.
238 |
Image Area is busy. Unable to process new command
The Image Area Command was written to while the Image Area was busy building or applying an image. The new command was ignored. Monitor the Image Area State register to ensure that the Image Area is not busy before issuing your command.
239 |
Image Area: Invalid command received
The value written to the Image Area Command register is not supported. Verify the value written to this register.
240 |
Image Area: Image downloaded out of sequence
The image was downloaded improperly. This can happen for the following reasons:
The Current Index register, if written at the start of each write, may have the wrong value.
The Image Data registers were not written to in sequential order. That is, each consecutive write to the Image Data registers must either start at the first Image Data register, or must continue where the last write completed.
An individual write extended beyond the end of the Image Area file (4096 total registers).
The total re-assembled downloaded image exceeds 65,536 registers.
To recover from this error, reset the download by writing a zero to the Current Index register or by writing Reset Image Area (3) to the Image Area Command register, and then resend the image starting at the beginning.
241 |
Image Area: Image uploaded out of sequence
The image was uploaded improperly. This can happen for the following reasons:
The Image Data registers were not read in sequential order. That is, each consecutive read from the Image Data registers must either start at the first Image Data register, or must continue where the last read completed.
An individual read extended beyond the end of the Image Area file (4096 total registers).
More than 65,536 total registers have been uploaded.
To recover from this error, write a zero to the Current Index register and re-upload the image starting at the beginning.
242 |
Image Area: Invalid Current Index value written
A non-zero value was written to the Current Index register in the Image Area. This is only allowed when downloading an image. This register should not be written to while uploading or at other times.
243 |
Image Area: Download not allowed in this state
The Image Data registers cannot be written to while the Image Area is in this state. Before downloading an image to the Image Area, you should reset the image area by writing Reset Image Area (3) to the Image Area Command register. This error can also occur if writes are made after an Image Area: Image downloaded out of sequence error has occurred.
244 |
Image Area: Unable to build upload image
This error will occur if the entire image in the controller is larger than the maximum size of 65,536 registers and therefore could not be created.
245 |
Image Area: Unable to apply downloaded image
The controller was unable to apply the downloaded image. The state of the controller has not been changed. There are several reasons why the RMC may be unable to apply a downloaded image. The reason will be listed in the event log entry:
Invalid Image Format
The image downloaded appears to be corrupt or built by a later firmware edition. Verify that the image was downloaded properly and has not been corrupted in the PLC.
Restart Required to Apply this Image
The Do Not Restart Controller (+16) option was used, but the image would change the axis definitions or loop time, and therefore requires restarting the controller in order to apply. Apply the image without using the Do Not Restart Controller (+16) option in order to change these settings.
Failure writing to Flash
A hardware error occurred while trying to save the image to flash memory. Please contact Delta technical support to report this problem.
Must be in PROGRAM mode to apply without restart
The Do Not Restart Controller (+16) option requires that the controller be in PROGRAM mode before applying changes. Set the controller to PROGRAM mode and re-apply the downloaded image.
Image supports a different hardware configuration
The downloaded image was built for a different hardware configuration. The controller must have the same modules installed, including expansion modules (on the RMC75). The hardware revisions need not match.
246 |
Program Error
This is an internal error. Please contact Delta technical support if this occurs.
247 |
Program Error
This is an internal error. Please contact Delta technical support if this occurs.
248 |
Curve master is moving too fast relative to the curve length
When following a curve, the master register cannot move by more than one curve length in a single control loop. For example, if a curve has X values ranging from 0 to 10.0, then the master register cannot move by more than 10.0 in a single control loop.
249 |
EtherNet/IP I/O production(s) missed
This occurs when the RMC controller missed one or more I/O scheduled productions over EtherNet/IP or PROFINET. This can occur if the Ethernet system is very busy.
250 |
Image Area: Copy protection is enabled. Unable to build upload image
This occurs when the user tries to build an upload image using the image upload/download area when the programming has copy protection enabled. Allowing the user to upload the image would violate the copy protection.
251 |
Position is too large relative to Position Unwind
Unable to unwind the target position due to the Target Position being extremely large relative to the Position Unwind value.
252 |
Unable to return to RUN mode
Unable to return to RUN mode because the RUN/Disabled input is low.
253 |
Unable to enable axis because axis is not authorized
Unable to enable the axis because the number of Control Loops allowed by Feature Key has been exceeded.
254 |
System task exception detected
A system task exception occurred. This exception indicates a problem with the controller firmware and should be reported to Delta technical support.
255 |
Task exception memory contents
Lists the memory contents related to the system task exception. This exception indicates a problem with the controller firmware and should be reported to Delta technical support.