Error Codes

When any error occurs in the RMC, an error code is reported. The error codes, along with all controller events, are recorded in the Event Log. This log can be viewed in the Event Log Monitor in RMCTools.


Error codes that occur on a specific axis will set the corresponding Error Bit on the axis. For the RMC75 and RMC150, the most recent error code that occurred on the axis will be stored in the Last Error Number status register.


Error codes that do not occur on a specific axis will not set error bits on any axes.


Error Code Descriptions

Command Errors

These errors set the Command Error bit, if the error code occurred on a specific axis.

The Command Error bit is cleared when any valid command is issued.

No. Description

ClosedInvalid command

The command number itself is not supported by the axis it was issued to. Either that command number is reserved for future commands, or it is a defined command that is not supported by this axis type.


ClosedCommand not implemented

This error indicates that the command has not been implemented in the firmware. This error should never occur in production firmware. Please report this to Delta.


ClosedInvalid command parameter 0

The first command parameter had an invalid value. Refer to the commands documentation for details on valid ranges for each command parameter.


ClosedInvalid command parameter 1

The second command parameter had an invalid value. Refer to the commands documentation for details on valid ranges for each command parameter.


ClosedInvalid command parameter 2

The third command parameter had an invalid value. Refer to the commands documentation for details on valid ranges for each command parameter.


ClosedInvalid command parameter 3

The fourth command parameter had an invalid value. Refer to the commands documentation for details on valid ranges for each command parameter.


ClosedInvalid command parameter 4

The fifth command parameter had an invalid value. Refer to the commands documentation for details on valid ranges for each command parameter.


ClosedInvalid time calculated

This error occurs when the Speed At Position (36) command is issued with starting conditions and command parameters that lead to the RMC computing a negative time to make the move in. This indicates an impossible request.


See the Speed at Position (36) topic for details on conditions and parameter values that cause this error.


ClosedUnable to clear Halt condition

A motion command was issued, but the attempt to clear the error bits before processing the command was not successful. In order to issue a motion command, you must first clear all error conditions that cause a halt.


ClosedUnable to clear transducer errors

A motion command that requires transducer feedback (e.g. closed loop moves) was issued, but transducer errors that cause a halt remained on the axis.


ClosedAxis is not enabled

A motion command was issued, but the axis has not been enabled. Use the Enable Controller (7) or Enable/Disable Axis (97) commands to enable the axis.


ClosedPressure/Force Limit not allowed in Direct Output

A Set Pressure/Force Limit Mode (40) command was issued to enable Pressure/Force limit, but the axis was in Direct Output. The axis cannot be in Direct Output while limiting Pressure/Force.


ClosedUnspecified error trying to start at the requested program

An internal error prevented the Start Task (90) command from executing correctly. Please report this to Delta.


ClosedUser Programs are stopped or not loaded

The Start Task command was not taken because either no User Programs were loaded, or the User Programs were not in Run mode.


ClosedTarget pressure must be set before enabling pressure limit

You must issue a command that sets the Target Pressure or Force before enabling pressure with the Set Pressure/Force Limit Mode (40) command. For example, the Ramp Pressure/Force (S-Curve) or Ramp Pressure/Force (Linear) commands will set the desired target pressure or force.


ClosedThis axis cannot be enabled because of parameter inconsistencies

The combination of Cycles, Starting Location, and Frequency in the command is invalid. See the Change Target Parameter (80) for details on valid combinations.


ClosedRequires axis to be set up as incremental SSI

Set the axis to Incremental SSI to use this feature, or do not use this feature.


ClosedCommand not supported by current control mode

To use this command, change the control mode. See the Control Modes topic for details.


ClosedInvalid command parameter 5

The sixth command parameter had an invalid value. Refer to the commands documentation for details on valid ranges for each command parameter.


ClosedInvalid command parameter 6

The seventh command parameter had an invalid value. Refer to the commands documentation for details on valid ranges for each command parameter.


ClosedInvalid command parameter 7

The eighth command parameter had an invalid value. Refer to the commands documentation for details on valid ranges for each command parameter.


ClosedInvalid command parameter 8

The ninth command parameter had an invalid value. Refer to the commands documentation for details on valid ranges for each command parameter.


ClosedCommand can only be issued when axis is stopped or geared

This command can only be issued when the axis is stopped or geared. See the help topic for the command for details.


ClosedMaster position already past Master Sync Position

This position of the master was already past the Master Sync Position. See the help topic of the command for details.


ClosedThis command is only supported by certain gear states

This command is only supported by certain gear states. For example, the Phasing (34) and Geared Slave Offset (35) commands are only supported in incremental gear states. If the axis is gearing due to a Gear Absolute (25) command, the Phasing (34) and Geared Slave Offset (35) commands will not work.


ClosedCommand requires that the axis be geared to a position

This command requires that the axis is geared to a position.


ClosedCommand not allowed while gear ratio is changing

This command is not allowed while the gear ratio is changing.


ClosedMaster Sync Position cannot equal the current position

The Master Sync Position cannot equal the current position. This error can also be caused by a zero Master Distance, which will result in a Master Sync Position that equals the current position. See the command for more details.


ClosedCommand requires that the axis be running a sine move

The command can only be issued when a sine move is running.


ClosedDiscontiguous target not allowed without selecting a transition behavior

The command that was issued requires either that the Target Position be at the starting point as defined by the command, or that a transition command be issued before the command. For curves based on time, both the current position and velocity must match the curves starting position and velocity.

See the help topic for the respective command for details.

Sine Start (72)

Curve Start (86)

Curve Start Advanced (88)

Gear Absolute (25)


ClosedUnsupported combination of Cycles, Starting Location, and Frequency

Check the parameters and make sure they are correct.


ClosedThe requested Curve ID is not valid

The requested Curve ID is not valid, because no curve with that ID exists. Use the Curve Add (82) command to add a curve with a specified ID.


ClosedThe requested Curve ID does not support multiple cycles

The requested Curve ID does not support multiple cycles. If you want the curve to repeat, the Interpolation Options in the Curve Data must have the Endpoint Behavior set to Cyclic (+2) or Zero-Velocity (+0).


ClosedCurve Add failed because the curve queue is full

Curve Add failed because the curve queue is full. The curve queue contains the curves that are currently being added to the curve store. The curve queue can handle up to 16 curves simultaneously. To prevent this error, wait for a curve to be completely added before adding another curve.


ClosedCommand is not supported by this RMC75S/RMC75P hardware revision

The hardware revision of this RMC75S or RMC75P does not support this command. You will need to obtain a newer RMC75S or RMC75P.


ClosedCannot join a synchronized move in progress

This error occurs when you issued a synchronized move command with a group number that is already being used by another sync move in progress. You must use another group number.


ClosedCannot do a synchronized stop on a non-synchronized axis

You issued a motion command with a Requested Position that was outside the Positive or Negative Overtravel Limits. The requested position was truncated at the limit or the current position, whichever is farther from the limits. Check the Positive and Negative Overtravel limits.

If you want the axis to halt instead of moving to a truncated position, make sure the Auto Stop on Command Adjusted error bit is set to halt.


ClosedCannot change the final position of a synchronized move in progress

When a synchronized move is in progress, a sync move command with the same group number can only be issued if the resulting final position will still be the same.


ClosedCannot start a synchronized move when the axis is moving

An axis must be stopped when a sync move command is issued to it. In open loop, this means the Stopped Status bit must be on. In closed loop control, this means the Target Velocity must be zero.


ClosedMotion command ignored due to grouped halt

This command error appears whenever, within the same command block, a command in the same sync or halt group as the current axis had a command error.


ClosedProgram cannot run on selected task

This can occur either when a program has been set up to not run on this particular task, or if it has been set to run on only one task at a time and is already running on another task.

Refer to the User Program Properties dialog for each individual program to view or change which tasks the user program is allowed to run on.


ClosedPosition is too large relative to Position Unwind

This will occur when a rotary axis is commanded with a position that is on the order of 16 million times the Position Unwind value. Beyond this point it is not possible to properly unwind the value due to the maximum dynamic range of floating point (REAL) values.


ClosedCommand requires that the axis be following a curve move

This error occurs if the Change Master (79) command is sent to an axis on which a curve move is not in progress (whether started with Curve Start (86) or Curve Start Advanced (88)). The Change Master (79) command should only be sent to an axis on which a curve move is in progress.


ClosedCommand not supported in current Gain Set mode

The Select Gain Set (75) command can only be sent when the Gain Sets parameter is set to Dual.


ClosedCommand not allowed when Controller is Disabled

The following commands are not allowed when the controller is in the Disabled state:


ClosedCommand not allowed when RUN/Disabled input is low

The following commands are not allowed when the RUN/Disabled input is low:


ClosedThe axis cannot be enabled because the axis is not authorized

The axis cannot be enabled because the number of Control Loops allowed by Feature Key has been exceeded.


ClosedThis timer cannot be used because it is already armed

This Event Timer cannot be used because it is already armed. If necessary, it can be disarmed with the Disarm Event Timer (106) command.


ClosedUnsupported combination of Trigger Type and Home Input

The combination of the Trigger Type and Home Input command parameters for the Arm Home (50) command are not supported. In particular, the “Z and H” and “Z and Not H” trigger types cannot be used when the Home Input is set to the Z input for this axis.


ClosedThe selected Home or Registration Input is configured as an output

The selected Home or Registration input is configured as an output. It must be configured as an input to be used for homing or registration.


ClosedCommand not allowed with invalid valve linearization curve selected for this axis

If the Valve Linearization Type axis parameter is set to Curve, then the curve specified by the Valve Linearization Curve ID axis parameter must be a valid valve linearization curve in order for closed-loop commands to be issued to the axis.

For details, see Valve Linearization.


ClosedThe selected touch probe is armed on a different latch with a different source.

This applies to Arm Home and Arm Registration commands. A touch probe (1 or 2) cannot be used for arming at the same time with different sources (touch probe sources include TP1 In, TP1 Z, and TP1 Obj). A touch probe may be used for arming at the same time if the source is identical. For example, using Touch Probe 1 for arming a home and arming a registration at the same time is permitted as long as the same touch probe source is used in both arms. This can be useful if you want to catch the rising and falling edge of the same touch probe source.


ClosedCommand requires an EtherCAT PDO that is not mapped.

The Arm Home or Arm Registration command was issued with Touch Probe as the input type, but the required Touch Probe PDO entries are not included in the EtherCAT PDO mapping for the EtherCAT drive used by the axis. To remedy this error, add the Touch Probe Function, Touch Probe Status, and the desired Touch Probe Position to the EtherCAT PDO Mapping of the EtherCAT drive as described in the Touch Probe topic.


ClosedCommand not allowed when no EtherCAT module is present or active.

The Reset EtherCAT Network (122) command is only allowed on an RMC with an EtherCAT module.


ClosedNon-zero write to reserved command parameter.

A non-zero value was written to a reserved command parameter. Not all commands enforce reserved command parameters.

Command Modified Errors

These errors set the Command Modified error bit, if the error code occurred on a specific axis.

No. Description

ClosedRequested position truncated at limit

A motion command was sent to the axis in which the requested position was beyond the positive or negative travel limit. The requested position was truncated to the positive or negative travel limit. If the Command Error Autostop is set to Status Only, the command will be processed normally with the truncated requested position. If the Command Error autostop is set to halt, then the axis will halt.


ClosedRequested pressure/force truncated at limit

The Ramp Pressure/Force (41) command requested a pressure/force outside the Positive or Negative Limits. The requested pressure/force was truncated at the limit or the current pressure/force, whichever is farther from the limits. Check the Overtravel limits.

If you want the axis to halt instead of moving to a truncated pressure or force, make sure the Auto Stop on the Command Adjusted error bit is set to halt.


ClosedMaster already in clutch area. Master Start Distance truncated

The gear master is already in clutch area. The Master Start Distance was truncated.

Configuration Errors

These errors set the Configuration Error bit, if the error code occurred on a specific axis.

The Configuration Error bit is cleared when any valid parameter write occurs.

No. Description

ClosedValue out of range

The value written was out of range for that register. The write was ignored.


ClosedNon-zero write to a reserved register

A reserved register was written to with a non-zero value. This has no affect, but because it was unlikely that this was intentional, we record this as an error.


ClosedInvalid data field

A bit-field in a register was incorrect. This applies to registers that are made up of several bit fields. One or more of its components were incorrect.


ClosedWrite to a read-only register

A value was written to a read-only register. The write was ignored.


ClosedWrite to an un-implemented register

A value was written to a register that does not currently support writes, but should support writes. The write is ignored. This error should never occur in production firmware. Please contact Delta technical support if this occurs.


ClosedThe value was truncated to fit in range

The value written was out of range for that register. The value was truncated to fit into range and then used. Compare with error 101.


ClosedThe value was rounded to the nearest acceptable value

The value was not an acceptable value, but was within range. It was rounded to the nearest acceptable value and then used. For example, the sample periods on a plot must be a whole number of control loop times. In this case, the value will be rounded to the nearest whole number of loop times.


ClosedOne or more Auto Stop settings were invalid

One or more of the Auto Stop settings in this register were out of range. This means that either a reserved value was used or a Auto Stop setting that is not allowed for a particular error. For example, status only cannot be selected for No Transducer.


ClosedThis value cannot be changed while in Run mode

This error indicates that an attempt was made to change the number of available Tasks or enable/disable the Program Triggers while the controller is in RUN mode. These registers can currently only be set through RMCTools, which will automatically put the controller temporarily in STOP mode.


ClosedThis value can only be changed in Direct Output or with the axis disabled

To prevent dangerous motion, certain parameters can only be changed when the axis is disabled or in Direct Output. Use the Enable/Disable Axis (97) or Direct Output (9) command before attempting to change the parameter. If you disable the axis, remember to enable it after changing the parameter.

When changing parameters from RMCTools, the disabling and enabling is automatically.


ClosedCount Unwind is invalid for Absolute Rotary SSI

On axes configured as Rotary Absolute, the Count Unwind parameter must be a power of 2, such as 1024, 8192, etc.


ClosedAn Indirect Data Map entry cannot point to Indirect Data

Change the Indirect Data Map entry so that it does not contain any Indirect Data Map address. On the RMC75, these are %MD18 addresses. On the RMC150, these are %MD42 addresses. On the RMC200, these are %MD8 addresses.


ClosedThe IP settings are locked and can only be changed via USB

The IP address can be locked so that it cannot be changed over Ethernet. This prevents accidentally changing the address when connected remotely.

To remove the lock, go to the Ethernet Settings Page. In the Additional Options section, uncheck the Lock IP settings check box.


ClosedNon-zero value written to an unconfigured Indirect Data Map entry

An attempt was made to write to an Indirect Data Map entry that has not been configured. Make sure to write only to Indirect Data Map entries that have been configured.


ClosedThe selected SSI features require a version 6 or newer SSI module

This occurs on the RMC150 only when the SSI Clock Rate is set to 921 kHz or Wire Break Detection is disabled, and the SSI module version is less than 6.


ClosedBoth axes using this resolver module must be in Direct Output or disabled

When changing the Reference Amplitude or Reference Frequency, both axes of the module must be disabled or be in direct output. Changing these parameters on one axis will affect both axes.


ClosedPrs/Frc Orientation cannot be changed while Prs/Frc Control or Limit is enabled

The Pressure/Force Orientation axis parameter cannot be changed while the axis in Pressure/Force Control or while Pressure/Force Limit is enabled.


ClosedEnable Output already used by another axis

Any Enable Output can only be used by one axis. This error indicates that more than one axis are set to use the same Enable Output.


ClosedThis value cannot be changed when Controller is in disabled state

The following registers cannot be changed when the RMC is in the Disabled state:

  • Discrete I/O Register: Outputs for Slot n

  • Discrete I/O Register: Force Off for Outputs in Slot n

  • Discrete I/O Register: Force On for Outputs in Slot n


ClosedThe real-time clock registers cannot be written to at this time.

This error will occur if the user writes to one of the Real Time UTC, Seconds, Real Time, Nanoseconds, or Real Time Local, Seconds registers, but the real time is currently being controlled by a time protocol. As of this writing, the RMC does not support any time protocols, so this error should not be generated.


ClosedCount Unwind or Encoder Wrap Min/Max are invalid for Absolute Rotary.

For axes with rotary EtherCAT feedback, the Count Unwind must be positive and must be evenly divisible into the Encoder Wrap range. The Encoder Wrap range is defined as follows:

Encoder Wrap Maximum - Encoder Wrap Minimum +1.


ClosedThe I/O module firmware does not support control output synchronization.

This error occurs when the Control Output Timing parameter is set to Synchronous, but the control output module (CA4, CV8, or U14) does not have updated firmware that supports this feature. See the Control Output Timing topic for requirements.


ClosedThe Base firmware does not support the Loop Time Adjust register.

This error occurs when a non-zero value is written to the Loop Time Adjust register, but the Base module’s firmware does not support this feature. See the Loop Time Adjust topic for requirements.

Runtime Errors

These errors set the Runtime Error bit, if the error code occurred on a specific axis.

No. Description

ClosedIncorrect module detected

The module in the given slot does not match the module that is expected in that slot.


ClosedUnsupported module detected

A module was detected in the controller backplane that is not supported by this version of firmware. Consider updating to the latest CPU firmware or contacting Delta technical support.


ClosedActive I/O module removed

An I/O module was removed from the backplane.


ClosedAxis is missing a required I/O module

An I/O module that is part of an axis is missing from the backplane. This will be reported on startup or after a module is removed.


ClosedUnexpected failure saving to flash

An error occurred while updating the flash memory. The operation was not successful.


ClosedTask exception register contents

This error lists the register contents when a task exception occurred. This indicates a problem with the controller firmware and should be reported to Delta technical support.


ClosedError saving controller image to the SD card

An error occurred while saving the controller image to the SD card. The image was not saved.


ClosedError restoring controller image from the SD card

An error occurred while restoring the controller image from the SD card. The image was not restored to the controller.


ClosedValve linearization curve is no longer valid

If the Valve Linearization Type axis parameter is set to Curve, then the curve specified by the Valve Linearization Curve ID axis parameter must be a valid valve linearization curve in order for the axis to operate in closed-loop control. For details, see Valve Linearization.


ClosedMaximum loop time carryover exceeded

The Loop Time of the RMC is the specified interval at which it updates all the inputs, calculates the control algorithms, and updates the outputs.

This error indicates that the amount of time required to process all these calculations exceeded the set loop time by more than 80%. If the loop time is exceeded by a lesser amount, the RMC normally makes up that time in the following loop times, and there is no impact on control. However, if a loop time is exceeded by 100%, then that loop time is lost, delaying by 1 loop time the RMC's calculations, for example target generation.

If this error occurs, you should take one or more of the following actions:

- Reduce the amount of expressions calculations the user programs

- Reduce the number of axes

- Reduce the number of simultaneous motion commands

- Reduce the amount of communications.

- Select a larger loop time

For more details, see Loop Time.


ClosedOutput DMA is unexpectedly busy. Outputs not written this control loop.

This is an unexpected condition that prevented the outputs from being written to the I/O modules for the indicated control loop. Please report this unexpected condition to Delta technical support.


ClosedReal time clock has an internal fault.

The Real Time Clock component on the RMC200 CPU is not behaving as expected and cannot be used. See the RMC200 Real Time Clock topic for details on this condition.


ClosedReal time clock battery is low.

The real time clock on the RMC200 CPU reports a low battery condition. See the RMC200 Real Time Clock topic for details on this condition.


ClosedHome, Registration 0, or Registration 1 disarmed. Required Touch Probe Index removed.

A home or registration arm that used a touch probe was active, and an associated touch probe index axis parameter was changed so it no longer referenced the required touch probe object in the PDO mapping. This forced the arm to be disarmed.


ClosedUnable to enable axis due to inconsistent axis parameters. Count Unwind or Encoder Wrap Min/Max are invalid for Absolute Rotary.

The applies to axis with EtherCAT feedback. The Count Unwind must be positive and must be evenly divisible into the Encoder Wrap range. The Encoder Wrap range is defined as follows: Encoder Wrap Maximum - Encoder Wrap Minimum +1.


ClosedHome, Registration 0, or Registration 1 disarmed. Touch Probe Position variable invalid.

A home or registration arm that used a touch probe was active, and the associated EtherCAT data was marked as invalid. This forced the arm to be disarmed.

This error indicates that the EtherCAT data object selected by the Touch Probe Positive Index or the Touch Probe Negative Index axis parameter, and as specified by the Arm Home (50) or Arm Registration (52) command, is invalid.

Data could become invalid for various reasons, such as the EtherCAT device disconnected, state not Op or Safe-Op mode, the Touch Probe Position Index axis parameter changed, the object removed from the PDO mapping, or the network is overloaded so that the RMC doesn’t receive data when expected.


ClosedHome, Registration 0, or Registration 1 disarmed. Touch Probe Status variable invalid.

A home or registration arm that used a touch probe was active, and the associated EtherCAT data was marked as invalid. This forced the arm to be disarmed.

This error indicates that the EtherCAT data object selected by the Touch Probe Status Index axis parameter is invalid.

Data could become invalid for various reasons, such as the EtherCAT device disconnected, state not Op or Safe-Op mode, the Touch Probe Status Index axis parameter changed, the object removed from the PDO mapping, or the network is overloaded so that the RMC doesn’t receive data when expected.


ClosedUnable to enable axis due to inconsistent axis parameters. Required EtherCAT PDO is not mapped.

This error occurs on axes with an EtherCAT drive or valve when the PDO objects are not mapped for the required Index axis parameters. A drive requires that the PDO mapping includes the objects selected by the following axis parameters: Status Word Index, Control Word Index, and one of Target Position Index, Target Velocity Index or Target Torque Index. A valve requires that the PDO mapping includes the objects selected by the following axis parameters: Status Word Index, Control Word Index, and Setpoint Index.


ClosedEnable Axis cancelled.

The attempt to enable the axis timed out or faulted.


ClosedI/O module has incorrect firmware.

The firmware in the specified I/O module does not support a required feature. See the Event Log entry details for specifics.


ClosedCommand block dropped

A command or set of commands that was issued to the controller was dropped because too many sets were received simultaneously.

The RMC75 allows up to 6 command sets (up to one command per axis in each set) to be queued up before losing a command set. The RMC150 allows up to 12 command sets (up to one command per axis in each set) to be queued up before losing a command set.

One command set is processed (and thus, removed from the queue) per control loop. It is possible, although unlikely, to overflow the queue by simultaneously issuing commands from multiple sources for consecutive control loops.


ClosedFlash update failed

An attempt to save the RMC settings to Flash failed. This indicates a failure of the RMC hardware. Please contact Delta technical support if this occurs.


ClosedUnable to initialize the PROFIBUS sub-system

The PROFIBUS sub-system of the hardware could not be started. This indicates a failure of the RMC hardware. Please contact Delta technical support if this occurs.


ClosedTarget Position went out of limits

The Target Position of an axis went out of limits. Notice that this does not occur because the axis is commanded to go outside of limits, as that is caught by Command Adjusted error 81, but it indicates that a move was given a low deceleration ramp that caused it to move outside the limits.


ClosedUnsupported Flash command received

This is an internal error. Please contact Delta technical support if this occurs.


ClosedSave of IP Setting to Flash failed

The save to Flash failed.


ClosedCommand overwritten within a Task step

A command was overwritten in a user program. Check to make sure the step does not issue more than one command to an axis.


ClosedDrive disabled due to Watchdog timeout

This indicates an internal error occurred that caused the control outputs to be disabled. Please contact Delta technical support if this occurs.


ClosedCommands overwritten in the PROFIBUS command area

Commands were left in the PROFIBUS command area when either the first deferred command or a singular command was issued. All commands that had been in the command area are discarded without further processing.


ClosedCommand overwritten in the PROFIBUS command area

A command was issued over the top of a deferred command in the PROFIBUS command area. The deferred command is discarded without further processing.


ClosedPROFIBUS read/write length invalid

The length field in the PROFIBUS Enhanced Data Channel had an invalid value.


ClosedNo follow-up command after Adv. Gear Move command

No follow-up command was issued after the Advanced Gear Move command completed. See the Advanced Gear Move (33) for details.


ClosedPROFIBUS command received but no axes were selected.

Commands must always be issued to an axis, even if they aren't specific to any axis. Make sure to set the axis select bits.


ClosedSimulate Mode Model Invalid.

The simulator parameter settings resulted in an invalid simulator model. The simulator will not function without a valid model. See the Simulating Motion topic for details.


ClosedModel-based Filter Model Invalid

The feedback model settings resulted in an invalid model. The feedback model will not function without a valid model. See the modeling topic for details.


ClosedInternal Target Generator fault

An internal target generator fault occurred. This error will always halt the axis, regardless of the Auto Stop setting, as is required because the current target generator cannot be used when faulted.


ClosedCount Unwind is invalid for Absolute Rotary SSI.

On axes configured as Rotary Absolute, the Count Unwind parameter must be a power of 2, such as 1024, 8192, etc.


ClosedNo follow-up command after Adv. Time Move command.

The Advanced Time Move Absolute (26) and Advanced Time Move Relative (27) commands require that another command be issued to the axis within 10 ms after the Done bit turns on, or the axis will halt.


ClosedInvalid time calculated by Speed at Position command.

The Speed at Position (36) calculated an invalid time. This is typically caused by commanding the axis to move to a position that requires it to change direction of motion. The Speed at Position (36) does not support changing directions.


ClosedAxis Home Failed. Encoder A or B wire break when triggered.

The Homing failed due to a detected A Wire Break or B Wire Break. Check the wiring.


ClosedPositive Limit Input's I/O point is configured as an Output.

The input specified for the Positive Limit Input has been configured as an output and will not be usable as a limit input. Use the Discrete I/O Configuration dialog to configure the I-O point as an input.


ClosedNegative Limit Input's I/O point is configured as an Output.

The input specified for the Negative Limit Input has been configured as an output and will not be usable as a limit input. Use the Discrete I/O Configuration dialog to configure the I-O point as an input.


ClosedAxis Home Failed. Index (Z) wire break.

The Homing failed due to a detected Index (Z) Wire Break. Check the wiring.


ClosedControl Fault. I-PD requires a non-zero Integral Gain.

The Position I-PD and Velocity I-PD require a non-zero Integral Gain. Set the Integral Gain to some non-zero value to use the I-PD control modes.


ClosedControl Fault. Control algorithm is not implemented. Please contact Delta technical support.

An incorrect control mode was selected. Try a different mode. The position and velocity control modes can be set via the Default Pos/Vel Control Mode parameter and the Set Pos/Vel Ctrl Mode (68) command.


ClosedMaster Sync Pos cannot equal the current position

The Master Sync Position cannot equal the current position. This error can also be caused by a zero Master Distance, which will result in a Master Sync Position that equals the current position. See the command for more details.


ClosedTask Fault on Task n

This will occur if any of the following occur: an array index is out of range, a command is overwritten (which can occur if a step has commands with both explicitly-specified commanded axes and default commanded axis), or if an invalid Word Code is encountered (internal error).


ClosedCurve Add failed Curve Add failed.

This can be due to several reasons, such as the Data Format is not correct, or the Curve Store is full.


ClosedNo follow-up command after non-terminated Curve profile

This error occurs when a curve has completed, but the ending velocity is non-zero. See the Curve Start (86) command for more details.


ClosedUnable to auto-delete curve due to a full curve processing queue

The curve processing task is too busy to auto-delete the curve. You may need to manually delete the curve.


ClosedUnable to allocate memory from Curve Store or unable to allocate buffer for assembling curve data

The curve store was too full to allocate a new curve or buffer. Delete unused curves to make room for the curve being added.


ClosedMaster Register out of range specified by Gear Absolute command

The Gear Absolute (25) command specified the range which the master must be in, but the master was not in this range. Either move the master into the range and re-issue the Gear Absolute command, or choose a different Endpoint Behavior for the Gear Absolute command.


ClosedMaster Register out of range specified by Curve

The Curve Start Advanced (88) command specified the range which the master must be in, but the master was not in this range. Either move the master into the range and re-issue the Curve Start Advanced command, or choose a different Endpoint Behavior for the Curve Start Advanced command.


ClosedFailure to save retentive variables to NVRAM

A failure occurred while saving retentive variables to non-volatile memory.


ClosedNot all variables marked retentive can fit in the NVRAM

Too many variables are set to Retain, and do not fit in the non-volatile memory. To fix this problem, use the Variable Table Editor to reduce the number of retentive variables. See the Variables topic for more details.


ClosedLoop Time Exceeded

This error will occur each time the motion loop exceeds the allotted time. This is a serious error and may adversely affect the motion control.

If this error occurs, either increase the loop time or contact Delta technical support for help on how to keep from exceeding the loop time.


ClosedFlash image too large

This error will occur if the Flash update fails because the image is too large. If this problem occurs, decrease the user programming size. For the RMC75E, make sure the firmware is 3.32.0 or newer, as indicated in Program Capacity and Time Usage.


ClosedImage Area is busy. Unable to process new command

The Image Area Command was written to while the Image Area was busy building or applying an image. The new command was ignored. Monitor the Image Area State register to ensure that the Image Area is not busy before issuing your command.


ClosedImage Area: Invalid command received

The value written to the Image Area Command register is not supported. Verify the value written to this register.


ClosedImage Area: Image downloaded out of sequence

The image was downloaded improperly. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • The Current Index register, if written at the start of each write, may have the wrong value.

  • The Image Data registers were not written to in sequential order. That is, each consecutive write to the Image Data registers must either start at the first Image Data register, or must continue where the last write completed.

  • An individual write extended beyond the end of the Image Area file (4096 total registers).

  • The total re-assembled downloaded image exceeds 65,536 registers.

To recover from this error, reset the download by writing a zero to the Current Index register or by writing Reset Image Area (3) to the Image Area Command register, and then resend the image starting at the beginning.


ClosedImage Area: Image uploaded out of sequence

The image was uploaded improperly. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • The Image Data registers were not read in sequential order. That is, each consecutive read from the Image Data registers must either start at the first Image Data register, or must continue where the last read completed.

  • An individual read extended beyond the end of the Image Area file (4096 total registers).

  • More than 65,536 total registers have been uploaded.

To recover from this error, write a zero to the Current Index register and re-upload the image starting at the beginning.


ClosedImage Area: Invalid Current Index value written

A non-zero value was written to the Current Index register in the Image Area. This is only allowed when downloading an image. This register should not be written to while uploading or at other times.


ClosedImage Area: Download not allowed in this state

The Image Data registers cannot be written to while the Image Area is in this state. Before downloading an image to the Image Area, you should reset the image area by writing Reset Image Area (3) to the Image Area Command register. This error can also occur if writes are made after an Image Area: Image downloaded out of sequence error has occurred.


ClosedImage Area: Unable to build upload image

This error will occur if the entire image in the controller is larger than the maximum size of 65,536 registers and therefore could not be created.


ClosedImage Area: Unable to apply downloaded image

The controller was unable to apply the downloaded image. The state of the controller has not been changed. There are several reasons why the RMC may be unable to apply a downloaded image. The reason will be listed in the event log entry:

  • Invalid Image Format

    The image downloaded appears to be corrupt or built by a later firmware edition. Verify that the image was downloaded properly and has not been corrupted in the PLC.

  • Restart Required to Apply this Image

    The Do Not Restart Controller (+16) option was used, but the image would change the axis definitions or loop time, and therefore requires restarting the controller in order to apply. Apply the image without using the Do Not Restart Controller (+16) option in order to change these settings.

  • Failure writing to Flash

    A hardware error occurred while trying to save the image to flash memory. Please contact Delta technical support to report this problem.

  • Must be in PROGRAM mode to apply without restart

    The Do Not Restart Controller (+16) option requires that the controller be in PROGRAM mode before applying changes. Set the controller to PROGRAM mode and re-apply the downloaded image.

  • Image supports a different hardware configuration

    The downloaded image was built for a different hardware configuration. The controller must have the same modules installed, including expansion modules (on the RMC75). The hardware revisions need not match.


ClosedProgram Error

This is an internal error. Please contact Delta technical support if this occurs.


ClosedProgram Error

This is an internal error. Please contact Delta technical support if this occurs.


ClosedCurve master is moving too fast relative to the curve length

When following a curve, the master register cannot move by more than one curve length in a single control loop. For example, if a curve has X values ranging from 0 to 10.0, then the master register cannot move by more than 10.0 in a single control loop.


ClosedEtherNet/IP I/O production(s) missed

This occurs when the RMC controller missed one or more I/O scheduled productions over EtherNet/IP or PROFINET. This can occur if the Ethernet system is very busy.


ClosedImage Area: Copy protection is enabled. Unable to build upload image

This occurs when the user tries to build an upload image using the image upload/download area when the programming has copy protection enabled. Allowing the user to upload the image would violate the copy protection.


ClosedPosition is too large relative to Position Unwind

Unable to unwind the target position due to the Target Position being extremely large relative to the Position Unwind value.


ClosedUnable to return to RUN mode

Unable to return to RUN mode because the RUN/Disabled input is low.


ClosedUnable to enable axis because axis is not authorized

Unable to enable the axis because the number of Control Loops allowed by Feature Key has been exceeded.


ClosedSystem task exception detected

A system task exception occurred. This exception indicates a problem with the controller firmware and should be reported to Delta technical support.


ClosedTask exception memory contents

Lists the memory contents related to the system task exception. This exception indicates a problem with the controller firmware and should be reported to Delta technical support.

Startup Errors

These errors occur when the RMC powers up, or after it restarts.

No. Description

ClosedUnable to create axis. Unsupported axis type.

The Axis Type field in an axis definition was invalid. Verify that you are using the most recent version of RMCTools and firmware and re-download the project to the controller. See Axis Definition Registers for more information.


ClosedUnable to create axis. Unsupported input type.

The specified Input Type field in an axis definition was invalid. Verify that you are using the most recent version of RMCTools and firmware and re-download the project to the controller. See Axis Definition Registers for more information.


ClosedUnable to create axis. Unsupported output type.

The specified Output Type field in an axis definition was invalid. Verify that you are using the most recent version of RMCTools and firmware and re-download the project to the controller. See Axis Definition Registers for more information.


ClosedUnable to create axis. Unsupported transducer type.

The specified Transducer Type field in an axis definition was invalid. Verify that you are using the most recent version of RMCTools and firmware and re-download the project to the controller. See Axis Definition Registers for more information.


ClosedUnsupported axis module.

The specified axis module is not supported. Possible reasons include:

  • The hardware does not support that module type.

  • The firmware does not support that module type.

  • There is an error in the module so that its type has been corrupted.


ClosedOut of memory.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedUnable to create axis. Invalid axis definition.

An axis definition was invalid. Verify that you are using the most recent version of RMCTools and firmware and re-download the project to the controller. See Axis Definition Registers for more information.


ClosedUnable to create axis. Unsupported axis simulator type.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedUnable to create axis. Unsupported axis Target Manager.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedUnable to create axis. Unsupported axis Control Manager.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedUnable to load User Programs from Flash.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedUnrecognized serial protocol selected on Port 0.

The protocol selected for port 0 on the RMC75S is unrecognized. This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedUnrecognized serial protocol selected on Port 1.

The selected serial protocol selected for port 1 on the RMC75S is unrecognized. See RMC75 Register Map - File 21 Comm Configuration for details on the registers that specify the serial communication.


ClosedUnexpected error loading files from Flash.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedBeta User Program Image saved in Flash was discarded.

Old, unsupported user programs were discarded. These user programs were never available in official released product.


ClosedUnsupported module.

The specified module is not supported. Possible reasons include:

  • The hardware does not support that module type.

  • The firmware does not support that module type.

  • There is an error in the module so that its type has been corrupted.


ClosedUnable to create all axes. Reverting to defaults.

Because all axes were not able to be created, the axis definitions were set to the default settings.


ClosedCancelled startup in RUN mode because Axis Defs were reverted to defaults.

The controller has been set to start in Run mode. However, because the axis definitions were set to default values, the controller was not put into Run mode after startup.


ClosedNo MAC address has been assigned. Ethernet cannot be started.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedInternal TCP/IP stack startup error.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedInternal Ethernet Driver startup error.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedInternal TCP/IP interface startup error.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedFPGA revision mismatch.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedThe RMC150 requires Quad modules to be version 7 or higher.

The quadrature (-Q) module in the specified slot has a version 6 or older. The RMC150 only supports quadrature (-Q) modules version 7 or higher.


ClosedThe requested loop time is not supported by this controller.

The requested loop time is not supported by this controller. See the Loop Time topic for details.


ClosedUnable to start the Omron/FINS ethernet service.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedUnable to start the DF1 over Ethernet (CSP) ethernet service.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedUnable to start the EtherNet/IP ethernet service.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedUnable to start the DMCP ethernet service.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedUnable to start the Mitsubishi ethernet service.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedUnable to start the Modbus/TCP ethernet service.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedUnable to create axis. Out of memory.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedUnable to create axis. Unable to locate feedback interface.

The axis definition refers to an input channel that is not currently installed in the controller. Verify that the hardware configuration of the RMC matches the configuration in the project file.


ClosedUnable to create axis. Unable to locate output interface.

The axis definition refers to an output channel that is not currently installed in the controller. Verify that the hardware configuration of the RMC matches the configuration in the project file.


ClosedUnable to create axis. Feedback channel not found.

The axis definition refers to an input channel that is not currently installed in the controller. Verify that the hardware configuration of the RMC matches the configuration in the project file.


ClosedUnable to create axis. Control output channel not found.

The axis definition refers to an output channel that is not currently installed in the controller. Verify that the hardware configuration of the RMC matches the configuration in the project file.


ClosedThe following axis could not be created.

The specified axis could not be created. Refer to other startup errors that were reported for information on the reason. Verify that the controller hardware configuration has not changed, and re-download the axis definitions to the controller.


ClosedNon-volatile RAM hardware error.

There was an error with the non-volatile RAM hardware on the controller. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedError encountered loading Retained variables.

An error occurred when loading the Retained variables from non-volatile memory. The variables may not have been loaded correctly.


ClosedSaved current value for non-retentive variable ignored.

The specified variable is not configured as a retained variable, but had a retained value stored for it. The retained value is ignored and the variable will instead assume its Initial Value. This can occur if the variable table setup was not saved to flash.


ClosedUpgrades to one or more modules are available to improve performance at the 4ms loop time.

For the 4 ms loop time on the RMC150 controller, some I/O modules could be upgraded for better performance. Recommended module versions are Analog (-A, -H, -G) rev 7 or newer and SSI (-S) rev 7 or newer.


ClosedThe UI/O channel is not configured for use by this axis.

UI/O channels must be configured for Quadrature or SSI feedback before being used as that feedback type by an axis. See Configuring UI/O High-Speed Channels.


ClosedUnable to load field FPGA image into UI/O module.

There was an error loading the FPGA image in the UI/O module. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedUnexpected error loading curves from flash.

Unexpected error loading curves from flash. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedUnable to start the PROFINET service.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedController restarted due to an internal Watchdog Timeout.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedController restarted due to an internal Unhandled Exception.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedUnable to load some settings from flash.

There was an error loading some settings from flash memory. This can occur when downgrading firmware to an older version. Otherwise contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedStopped creating axes due to prior failures.

Due to prior errors with axis definitions, the firmware stopped creating the remaining axes. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedError loading File Image from memory.

There was an error loading some settings from flash memory. This can occur when downgrading firmware to an older version. Otherwise contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedError loading memory region from kernel.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedController restarted due to an internal System Fault.

This error should not occur. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedModule could not be identified.

The specified module could not be identified. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedController restarted due to an internal CPU power supply fault.

The controller restarted due to an internal CPU power supply fault. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedNo valid feature key was detected.

Either no Feature Key was detected or the Feature Key contents could not be loaded.

Possible reasons:

  • No feature key is installed.

  • The feature key has not been properly set up by Delta.

  • The RMC CPU or Feature Key has a hardware problem.

Verify that a Feature Key is installed in the back of the CPU. Otherwise contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedModule is missing Soft ID information.

The internal module identification (Soft ID) could not be read from the specified module. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedCPU is missing FPGA firmware.

The CPU is missing FPGA firmware. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedAxis is not authorized and cannot be enabled.

The available Control Loops on the Feature Key has been exceeded and the specified axis cannot be enabled.


ClosedOne or more axes is not authorized by Feature Key.

The total number of control loops required by all defined axes exceeds the number of control loops installed on the Feature Key. One or more axes is not authorized and cannot be enabled. Simulate mode is supported for axes that are otherwise non-functional due to not having a valid loop.


ClosedI/O module missing on startup.

An expected I/O module was missing from the controller on startup.


ClosedController Watchdog is disabled.

This should only occur on development modules. Contact Delta for assistance.


ClosedAxis resource is missing from controller configuration.

An expected module used by the specified axis is missing from the controller.


ClosedToo many physical control axes defined.

The number of defined physical control axes exceeds the limits for the controller. One or more axes is not authorized and cannot be enabled. See Axis Types Overview for a list of maximum numbers of axes for each controller.


ClosedAxis is not authorized and cannot be enabled.

The maximum number of physical control axes for this controller has been exceeded, so the specified axis cannot be enabled.


ClosedExpansion modules were detected on NX CPU and will be ignored.

This error should not occur. Please contact Delta technical support if this occurs.


See Also

Troubleshooting Overview | Error Bits

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Copyright © 2025 Delta Computer Systems, Inc. dba Delta Motion