Discrete I/O Configuration Window

To access this editor:
In the Project pane, expand Programming. Double-click Discrete I/O.


Use this window to configure Discrete I/O on the RMC. This topic describes the columns in the Discrete I/O Configuration window. For instructions on how to configure the Discrete I/O, see the Configuring Discrete IO topic.


Column Name


First Column

Displays the address of the I/O point. This address can be used to reference the I/O point in User Programs or the Program Triggers, but the preferred method is to use the tag name.


List the module of the DI/O point.

RMC75 expansion modules are numbered 1 to 4, starting closest to the RMC75 base unit.

RMC150 slots are numbered from the left starting at 0.

RMC200 slots are numbered from the left starting at 0 for the power supply, 1 for the CPU, 2 for the first I/O module, etc.

I/O Point

Lists which DI/O point on the module

Tag Name

The tag name assigned to the I/O point by the user. This cell is editable. Use the tag name to reference the I/O point in User Programs or the Program Triggers.


This cell specifies whether the I/O point is an input or output. If the I/O point is configurable as either an input or output, you can change by double-clicking the cell and choosing or Input or Output.

Program State

Valid only for outputs. Defines the state of the output when the RMC enters PROGRAM mode. See the Configuring Discrete IO topic for details.

Fault State

Valid only for outputs. Defines the state of the output in the following conditions:

- The RMC receives a Fault Controller (8) command

- The RMC200 is in the Disabled state (RMC200 Only).

- The RMC200 powers up, regardless of the startup mode (RMC200 Only).


See the Configuring Discrete IO topic for details.

Assigned To

Lists the functionality to which a discrete I/O point has been assigned. This includes:


Enter a description of the I/O point in this column.

Applying Changes to the RMC

To apply the changes made in the Discrete I/O Configuration window, you must download the Programming to the RMC. To do this, on the Programming menu, click Download Programs.


See Also

Discrete I/O | Configuring Discrete IO

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