Feature Key

The Feature Key specifies the control features of the RMC200. The key is a removable token installed in the CPU module. This allows for easy transfer of control features from one RMC200 CPU to another when replacing one RMC200 with a spare RMC200. When initially purchased, the Feature Key comes loaded with the customer-ordered features. Features may also be added to the Feature Key later.

Initial Ordering

When initially ordering an RMC200 CPU module, specify the desired control features. These features will be loaded on the removable Feature Key installed in the CPU.

Available Features

The following features are offered for the feature key:

Control Loops
The control loops on the feature key define the number of control axes. The maximum number of control loops supported by each control is:


Max Control Loops

CPU20L Lite


CPU40 Standard


When defining axes, you may define more axes than the control loops allow. The additional axes will be non-functional, although simulate mode is supported. The number of control loops required per axis are listed below.


Simulate mode is supported for axes that are otherwise non-functional due to not having a valid loop.

Removing and Installing the Feature Key

The Feature Key can be transferred from one RMC to another. When replacing a CPU module with a spare, the Feature Key should be transferred to the new CPU to ensure that all the control features are transferred.

  1. Turn off power to the RMC200.

  2. Remove the hold-down screw on the CPU module.

  3. Remove the CPU module by rocking the bottom of the CPU module forward (toward you) and then lifting the module out.

  4. Locate the yellow Feature Key on the back of the CPU.

  5. Pull the Feature Key out.

  6. Installation is the reverse of removal.

Adding Features to an Existing Feature Key

Adding features to the feature key involves generating a file to send to Delta, and applying a response file to the RMC.

Important: Once you generate a feature request file, do not generate another one until applying the response file. Generating a new Feature Key request file will invalidated the response file. Feature Key response files are valid for 30 days from the date they are generated.


  1. Purchase Features
    Determine which features you wish to add (see Available Features above), then contact your Delta distributor or Regional Sales Manager for payment details.

  2. Ordering Part Number: R2-Loop

    The part number R2-Loop specifies one loop. Order the quantity of loops desired.

  3. Generate the Feature Key Request File

    1. In RMCTools, go online with the RMC200.

    2. In the Project Pane, expand the Modules folder and double-click the RMC200 CPU module.

    3. On the Feature Key page, click Add Features.

    4. Choose Select features to add and generate a feature key response file and click Next.

    5. Choose the desired features to add and click Next.

    6. Browse to a location to save the Feature Key request file.

    7. Click Finish to close the wizard. Do not generate another Feature Key request file until applying the response file you receive from Delta, otherwise the response file will be invalidated.

  4. Send the Feature Key Request File to Delta

    1. Email the Feature Key response file to featurekey@deltamotion.com. In the email, include your contact information so Delta can verify that the features have been purchased.

    2. Once Delta has verified payment, Delta will respond to the email with an attached Feature Key response file.

    3. Save the Feature Key response file to your PC.

  5. Apply the Feature Key Response File
    After receiving the Feature Key response file from Delta Motion:

    1. Go online with the RMC200 and open the RMC Feature Key wizard as described in step 2 above.

    2. Choose Apply the response that I have already received and click Next.

    3. Browse to the location of the saved Feature Key Response file and click Next.

    4. The wizard will report the added features.


Feature Key - Apply only to the Feature Key, not the CPU or other modules

Contact Life

10,000 cycles min.

ESD Protection

15 kV

Read Cycles


Write Cycles

100,000 minimum (writes are performed only when applying new features)

Data Life (Storage) at 35°C

30 years minimum, 50 years typical

Operational Temperature

-40°C to +85°C (-40°F to +185°F)

Storage Temperature

-40°C to +100°C (-40°F to +212°F)


See Also

RMC200 Overview | CPU40 Module | CPU20L Module

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