
Status Bits Register


Axis Status Register


RMC75: %MDn.0, where n = 8 + the axis number

RMC150: %MDn.0, where n = 8 + the axis number

RMC200: %MDn.0, where n = 256 + the axis number

System Tag:

_Axis[n].StatusBits, where n is the axis number

How to Find:

Axes Status Registers Pane, Basic tab

Data Type:



The Status Bits register is a collection of bits that provide a summary of the state of the axis. See the Registers Overview topic for details on how to address each specific bit in the various address formats.

Addressing Status Bits

In RMCTools, individual Status bits can be addressed by appending the bit tag name to "_Axis[n].StatusBits.", where n is the axis number. For example, "_Axis[1].Statusbits.InPos" is the Axis 1 In Position Status Bit.

Status Bits

This is a list of all the status bits. Not all axes will have all the status bits. The bit number of each bit is the same, whether or not all bits exist for a given axis.

To convert a hexadecimal Status Bits value to individual bits, type the hexadecimal number in the box, then click Convert. The bits that are set will be highlighted in red in the table below.





Register Name



ClosedIn Position

This bit is set when a closed-loop position move is completed and the axis position is at the Command Position. This is defined as when the Target Position has reached the Command Position and the absolute difference between the Actual Position and the Command Position is less than the In Position Tolerance parameter. The In Position bit is not latched and will clear if the axis moves back outside the In Position window.

This bit will not be set after stopping due to a Closed Loop Halt or a Stop (Closed Loop) (6) command.

This bit is only used when controlling position in a mode that has a commanded position. Therefore, it will be clear in Open Loop, Velocity Control, or Position Control in modes such as gearing that have no final requested position.



ClosedAt Velocity

This bit is set when a velocity move is completed and the axis velocity is at the Command Velocity. This is defined as when the Target Velocity has reached the Command Velocity and the absolute difference between the Actual Velocity and the Command Velocity is less than the At Velocity Tolerance parameter. The At Velocity bit is not latched and will clear if the axis speed moves back outside the At Velocity window.

This bit is only used when controlling velocity in a mode that has a requested velocity. Therefore, it will be clear in Open Loop, Position Control, or Velocity Control in modes such as gearing that have no final requested velocity. For these cases, to determine whether an axis has reached the constant velocity portion of the move, use the Target Generator State A and State B status bits.



ClosedOpen Loop

This bit is set when the axis is in Open Loop control or in the Direct Output state.
This bit will be off when Pressure/Force Limit is enabled, even if the axis was in open loop previously.



ClosedFault Input

This bit is set when the Fault Input on the axis is active. This bit does not latch like the Fault Input error bit.



ClosedPositive Limit Input

This bit is set when the Positive Limit Input is active.



ClosedNegative Limit Input

This bit is set when the Negative Limit Input is active.




This bit is set when the axis is stopped.

For control axes, this is defined as when the Target Velocity is zero and the Actual Velocity is less than the Stop Threshold parameter. The axis must be in closed-loop control.

For reference axes, this is defined as when the Actual Velocity is less than the Stop Threshold parameter.



ClosedInput Estimated

The Input Estimated bit indicates that the position or velocity input is currently being estimated due to any of these errors:

Not all the error bits listed above apply to all input types. See the individual error bits for details.

"Estimated" means that the feedback value is not accurate. It does not necessarily mean that it is being estimated to a high degree of certainty.


Position Inputs

In general (see below for actual details), when one of the errors listed above occurs, the Input Estimated bit will turn on to indicate an error condition exists and the feedback value is being estimated. If the error condition occurs for successive 3 loop times, the associated error bit will be set. Once the underlying error condition has gone away, the Input Estimated bit will remain on for two loop times before clearing because it takes one additional loop for velocity calculation and two loops for acceleration calculation.

Note: Error condition refers to the instantaneous state of the feedback, whether or not an error bit or input estimated bit is set.

The Input Estimated bit is set in the following cases:

  • If a No Transducer or Transducer Overflow condition exists, the Input Estimated bit is always set, even after the No Transducer or Transducer Overflow error bit is set following the first 3 loop times. If the No Transducer or Overflow condition is intermittent, the Input Estimated bit will be set when the condition is present and cleared when an error condition is not present.

    The RMC75 and RMC150 estimate the position by extrapolating from the last two positions. The RMC200 behavior is identical up to firmware version 1.22. With firmware version 1.23 and later, the RMC200 estimates the position by extrapolating from the last position using filtered velocity.

  • For the RMC150 MDT module, if a No Transducer condition exists, the Input Estimated bit will be on for up to 6 loop times before the No Transducer Error bit will be set.

  • For analog, MDT, SSI, and resolver feedback, the Input Estimated bit is set if a Noise Error condition exists for less than 3 loop times. After the 3rd loop time, the Input Estimated bit will turn off and the Noise Error bit will be set.

  • For Quadrature, if a Noise Error condition occurs due to an illegal Quadrature transition (e.g. overspeed), then the Input Estimated bit is always set, even after the Noise Error bit is set following the first 3 loop times.

  • For EtherCAT feedback, the Input Estimated bit will be set if the feedback data is invalid or the sensor detects an error. The associated error bit (No Transducer, Transducer Overflow, or Noise Error) will not be set until the error accumulation reaches 6 erroneous readings, where one bad reading adds to the accumulation, and one good reading subtracts from the accumulation, with a minimum accumulation value of zero. Therefore, if the data continues to be invalid, the associated error bit will be set in 6 loop times. Every loop time with invalid data will have the Input Estimated bit set.


Velocity, Pressure and Force Inputs:

The Input Estimated bit is not set if a Noise Error condition exists. A Noise Error condition will immediately set the Noise Error bit.

If a No Transducer or Transducer Overflow condition exists, the Input Estimated bit is always set. Once the underlying error condition has gone away, the Input Estimated bit will remain on for one additional loop time before clearing.

For EtherCAT feedback, the Input Estimated bit will be set if the feedback data is invalid or the sensor detects an error. The associated error bit (No Transducer, Transducer Overflow, or Noise Error) will not be set until the error accumulation reaches 6 erroneous readings, where one bad reading adds to the accumulation, and one good reading subtracts from the accumulation, with a minimum accumulation value of zero. Therefore, if the data continues to be invalid, the associated error bit will be set in 6 loop times. Every loop time with invalid data will have the Input Estimated bit set.



ClosedEnable Output

This bit is set when the Enable Output is on.



ClosedPrimary Target Generator Done

This bit is set when the Primary Target Generator has completed its course, that is, when a motion command has been completed. If the motion move is interrupted, e.g. due to a halt, the done bit will not be set because the last commanded motion was not completed.

Specific details on the Target Generator status bit are included in the help topics for each motion command.

Example 1:
After a Move Absolute command has been issued, this bit will turn on when the Target Position reached the requested position.

Example 2:
After a Move Velocity command has been issued, this bit will turn on when the Target Velocity has reached the requested speed.




ClosedPrimary Target Generator State A

The Target Generator State A and State B bits indicate the current state of the Primary Target Generator. For each motion type, the following table describes in general the state indicated by the combinations of A and B. These bits are only valid for motion commands.

Specific details on the Target Generator status bit are included in the help topics for each motion command.




Open Loop Commands

Point-to-Point Commands

Velocity Moves

Quick Moves

Halts and Stops



Constant Control Output at 0 V







Ramping Control Output away from 0 V



(away from 0 velocity)

Ramping Control Output in Open Loop




Constant Control Output at non-zero V

Constant Velocity

Constant Velocity

Constant Control Output at Requested Output




Ramping Control Output toward 0 V



(toward 0 velocity)

Decelerating in Closed Loop

Decelerating or Ramping Down the Control Output





ClosedPrimary Target Generator State B

See the Target Generator State A bit for a description of how these bits work. Specific details on the Target Generator status bit are also included in the help topics for each motion command.




ClosedDirect Output

When this bit is set, the axis in a Direct Output state. The axis is in open loop control, ignores all error bits, and the Auto Stops have no effect.

The Direct Output (9) command, and the Direct Output Halt will turn on this bit. If the axis is disabled with the Enable/Disable Axis (97) command, this bit will turn on. If the axis is enabled, any motion command (except Direct Output (9)) will turn off this bit.

Certain parameters that affect motion require the Direct Output Status bit to be on when changing their values.





Motion commands other than Direct Output (9) are not allowed on the axis if this bit is not set. This bit is set in the following cases:

The Enabled bit will be cleared when the axis is disabled via the Enable/Disable Axis (97) command.



No motion commands are allowed on the axis if this bit is not set. This bit is set in the following cases:

The Enabled bit will be cleared when the axis is disabled via the Enable/Disable Axis (97) command, a Disable Axis AutoStop, or when the controller enters Disabled Mode.




ClosedExternal Halt

This bit is set when External Halt has occurred. An External Halt can only be triggered by an Auto Stop.




This bit is set when one of the following halts occurs: Open Loop Halt, Open Loop Halt with Disable Drive, or Closed Loop Halt.

These halts can then be triggered via Auto Stops or via explicit commands - see each halt topic for details.



ClosedPressure/Force Control

This bit is set when the axis is in closed-loop pressure or force control.

This bit will not be set for pressure/force limit; see the Pressure/Force Limit Enabled and Pressure/Force Limited bits below.



ClosedPressure/Force Limit Enabled

This bit is set when Pressure/Force Limit mode is enabled on the axis. When this bit is set, pressure or force will be limited to the Target Pressure/Force. Pressure/Force Limit mode can only be enabled or disabled with the Set Pressure/Force Limit Mode (40) command.

This bit does not indicate whether pressure/force is being limited. To determine whether pressure or force is being limited, see the Pressure/Force Limited bit.



ClosedPressure/Force Limited

This bit is set when the pressure/force is currently being limited. That is, the position or velocity control is actually being affected in order to limit the pressure/force. This bit can only be on if the Pressure/Force Limit Enabled bit is on. See the Pressure Limit topic for details on pressure control.

This bit will not be set in pressure/force control; see the Pressure/Force Control bit above.



ClosedAt Pressure/Force

This bit indicates that the Actual Pressure/Force has reached the Command Pressure/Force.

This bit is set when the Target Pressure/Force and the Actual Pressure/Force are at the Command Pressure/Force. This is defined as when the Pressure/Force Error is less than the At Pressure/Force Tolerance. The axis must be in closed-loop pressure/force control or pressure/force limit and the Pressure/Force Target Generator Done bit must be set.



ClosedPressure/Force Input Estimated

This bit applies to the secondary pressure or force feedback. If a Pressure/Force No Transducer or Pressure/Force Transducer Overflow condition exists, the Pressure/Force Input Estimated bit will turn on to indicate an error condition exists and the feedback value is being estimated. In most cases, the associated Pressure/Force No Transducer or Pressure/Force Transducer Overflow error bit will be set immediately.

The Pressure/Force Input Estimated bit is set as long as the error condition exists.

"Estimated" means that the feedback value is not accurate. It does not necessarily mean that it is being estimated to a high degree of certainty.

A Pressure/Force Noise Error condition will immediately set the Pressure/Force Noise Error bit. For EtherCAT feedback, the associated error bit will not be set until the error condition occurs for 6 cumulative loop times.




ClosedPressure/Force Target Generator Done

This bit is set when the Pressure/Force Target Generator has completed its course, that is, when a pressure or force ramp has been completed. If the ramp is interrupted, e.g. due to a halt, the done bit will not be set because the ramp was not completed.



ClosedPressure/Force Target Generator State A

This bit is set to indicate the current state of the Pressure/Force Target Generator.

The Pressure/Force Target Generator State A and State B bits indicate the current state of the Pressure/Force Target Generator. For each motion type, the following table describes in general the state indicated by the combinations of A and B. These bits are only valid for motion commands.

Specific details on the Target Generator status bit are included in the help topics for each motion command.




Linear, Time, or Auto





Pressure/Force is stopped (done)

Pressure/Force is stopped (done)

Pressure/Force is stopped (done)



Pressure/Force is increasing

Pressure/Force is accelerating





Pressure/Force is changing at a constant rate




Pressure/Force is decreasing

Pressure/Force is decelerating

Decelerating toward zero rate.




ClosedPressure/Force Target Generator State B

See the Pressure/Force Target Generator State A bit for a description of how these bits work. This bit is set to indicate the current state of the Pressure/Force Target Generator.



ClosedPrimary Target Generator Superimposed Busy

This bit is set to indicate that a superimposed move is in progress. This can be caused by a Transition.



ClosedPressure/Force Target Generator Superimposed Busy

This bit is set to indicate that a superimposed move is in progress. This can be caused by a pressure/force transition.



ClosedPrimary Feedback OK

This bit indicates that the feedback on the primary input has no errors. This bit provides the general status of the feedback, and is especially useful when implementing Custom Feedback. This bit is available in firmware 3.54.0 and newer.

The Primary Feedback OK bit will be off if the feedback is experiencing any of the following:

  • No Transducer

  • Transducer Overflow

  • Transducer Noise (only for position axes)

Notice that the Primary Feedback OK bit is based on the associated error bits, which are not always instantaneous. The No Transducer, Transducer Overflow, and Transducer Noise axis error bits can remain off until an error has existed for up to 5 loop times, during which time the Input Estimated bit is on. In addition, they will latch on and remain on even if the underlying error has gone away.




ClosedSecondary Feedback OK

This bit indicates that the feedback on the secondary input has no errors. This bit provides the general status of the feedback, and is especially useful when implementing Custom Feedback. This bit is available in firmware 3.54.0 and newer.

The Secondary Feedback OK bit will be off if the feedback is experiencing any of the following:

  • Pressure/Force No Transducer

  • Pressure/Force Transducer Overflow

Notice that the Secondary Feedback OK bit is based on the associated error bits, which are not always instantaneous. The P/F No Transducer and P/F Transducer Overflow axis error bits can remain off until an error has existed for up to 5 loop times, during which time the Input Estimated bit is on. In addition, they will latch on and remain on even if the underlying error has gone away.




ClosedEnable State Machine



ClosedCommand Acknowledge Bit

The RMC sets the Command Acknowledge bit to match the Command Request bit of the last command. This bit is intended to be used for synchronizing a PLC program with the RMC. See the Command Acknowledge Bit topic for details.


See Also

Status Registers | Error Bits

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