Registration is the process of recording the precise position of an axis when an external event occurs. Registration is commonly used for measurements. For example, consider a photo-eye set up on a conveyor belt, where the position of the belt is measured with a quadrature encoder. By registering the precise position at which the photo-eye is broken and the precise position at which it is reconnected, the length of a widget on the belt can be accurately determined.
The RMC provides registration on quadrature feedback axes only. This is because quadrature feedback is the only type of feedback that can record a position at any given moment, independent of the loop time of the RMC. All other feedback types can only report the position once each loop time (500μs to 4000μsec). Using the programming capabilities of the RMC, such as discrete inputs and the Program Triggers, it is possible to achieve functionality similar to registration with other feedback types, but the accuracy will not be the same as with quadrature feedback.
Registration Inputs
Each quadrature feedback axis can keep track of two independent registration events, called Registration 0 and Registration 1. These registration events can come from a single registration input, or from separate inputs. The table below lists the inputs on which registration can be performed.
Module |
Registration Sources |
RMC75 QAx or RMC150 Quad |
RegX/PosLim input RegY/NegLim input |
RMC150 UI/O |
DI/O inputs R0 and R1 |
RMC75 Q1 |
Reg input |
RMC200 Q4 |
Depending on the quadrature input:
RMC200 U14 |
Reg/Z0, Reg/Z1, D0, D1 |
RMC200 D24 |
Depending on the quadrature option:
Arming the Registration
Issuing the Arm Registration (52) command tells the axis to wait for a registration event. Once this command is issued, the registration is said to be armed. When the registration is armed, the corresponding registration armed status bit will be set (Registration 0 Armed and Registration 1 Armed). Unless the registration is armed, the registration trigger is ignored.
The Arm Registration (52) command also tells the axis which Registration Number (0 or 1) to apply the registration event to, which input the registration will be triggered from, and which edge of the input (rising or falling) will trigger the registration.
Registration Event
If the registration is armed and a registration trigger occurs, the following is done:
The precise position at the time of the registration is latched. The position will be reported in the Registration 0 Position or Registration 1 Position status register.
The corresponding latched status bit will be set (Registration 0 Latched or Registration 1 Latched).
The corresponding armed status bit will be cleared (Registration 0 Armed or Registration 1 Armed).
Once a registration is latched, you must issue the Arm Registration (52) command again to rearm it.
Disarm Registration
To manually disarm a registration, issue the Disarm Registration (53) command. Issuing this command will clear the corresponding Registration Armed status bit (Registration 0 Armed and Registration 1 Armed).
See Also
Homing | Arm Registration (52) Command | Disarm Registration (53) Command
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