RUN/PROGRAM/Disabled Mode

RUN and PROGRAM mode specify whether the User Programs and the Program Triggers can run. RUN or PROGRAM mode do not necessarily affect the motion on an axis. Motion commands can be issued to the RMC whether or not it is in RUN or PROGRAM mode.

The RMC200 also includes a Disabled Mode, in which no motion commands are accepted, and all axes are disabled.

RUN mode - RMC75/150/200

PROGRAM mode - RMC75/150/200

Disabled mode - 200 only

Entering and RUN, PROGRAM and Disabled Modes

When the RMC enters RUN Mode:

Entering RUN mode will not affect the motion on the axes. The axes will continue doing what they were doing.

When the RMC enters PROGRAM Mode:

Entering PROGRAM mode will not affect the motion on the axes. The axes will continue doing what they were doing.

When the RMC enters Disabled Mode:

Entering Disabled mode will stop motion by Direct Output Halt. Axes will not move while in Disabled mode.

Fault Controller

RMC75/150: If the Fault Controller (8) command is sent, the RMC will exit RUN mode and enter PROGRAM mode. All the axes will halt.

RMC200: If the Fault Controller (8) command is sent, the RMC will enter Disabled mode. All the axes will halt.

Methods of Entering RUN, PROGRAM, or Disabled Mode

From RMCTools

From a Host Controller (PLC, HMI, etc.)

Using a Discrete Input to enter RUN, PROGRAM, or Disabled mode

RMC75/150: When the input transitions from low to high, the RMC will enter RUN mode. When the input transitions from high to low, the RMC will enter PROGRAM mode. The state of the input does not necessarily reflect the RUN/PROGRAM state, because the RUN/PROGRAM mode can also be changed by other methods.

RMC200: When the input transitions from low to high, the RMC will enter RUN mode. When the input is low, the RMC will be in the Disabled state. If the input is high, the RMC may not necessarily be in the RUN state, because RUN mode can be exited by other methods.

Starting the RMC in RUN, PROGRAM, or Fault mode

By default, the RMC75 and RMC150 start up in PROGRAM mode, and the RMC200 starts up in Disabled mode. You can set the startup mode:

You can start a User Program immediately when the RMC enters RUN Mode by using the FirstScan bit in the Program Triggers. If the Startup Mode is set to RUN Mode, the RMC can run a user program immediately upon powering up.


See Also

PROGRAM Mode (99) | List of Commands | Commands Overview

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