RMCTools Menu Bar

The RMCTools menu bar consists of the following menus:




Controller: Opens the New Controller Wizard which adds a new controller to the project. The controller must first be connected to the computer's serial port via a cable.

Project: Opens a new project. You may be prompted to first save the current project.

Open: Open an existing project. This will close the current project. You may be prompted to first save the current project.

Close: Close the project. You may be prompted to first save the current project. RMCTools will remain open.

Save: Save the project in its current location.

Save As: Save the project in a selected location.

Save and Update Flash: Save the project in its current location and update the flash memory in the currently selected online controller.

Page Setup: Setup the page margins for printing.

Print: Print the current editor.

Exit: Close the project and close RMCTools. You may be prompted to first save the current project.


Undo: Undo the last action. This is only available in the Step Editor and within expression boxes.

Redo: Redo the previously undone action. This is only available in the Step Editor and within expression boxes.

Cut: Copy and delete the current selection to the clipboard.

Copy:Copy the current selection to the clipboard.

Paste: Paste the current item in the clipboard to the selection.

Delete: Delete the current selection.

Select All: Select all the items in the current editor.

Rename: Rename the currently-selected object.

Find and Replace

    Find: Find the specified text in the current editor.

    Replace: Replace specific text with different text.

    Find All: Find all occurrences of the specified text in the project.

    Find Next: Find the next instance of the specified text.



Standard: Select whether to display theStandard Toolbar.

Shortcut Commands: Select whether to display theShortcut Command Toolbar.

Status Bar:  Select whether to display the Status Bar.

Project: Opens the Project Pane.

Output: Opens the Output window.

Verify Results: Opens the Verify Results window.

Discrete I/O Monitor: Opens the Discrete I/O Monitor window.

Find Results: Opens the Find Results window.

Task Monitor: Opens the Task Monitor window.

Command Tool: Opens the Command Tool window.

Axis Tools: Opens the Axis Tools window.

Event Log: Opens the Event Log Monitor.

Select Columns: Choose which columns are to be displayed in the Axis Tools. The column selection can also be made from the Axis Tools window. The Command Tool will display the same axes that are displayed in the Axis Tools.

Properties: Opens the Properties dialog for the currently selected item in the Project pane.



Go Online: Connects tothe currently selected controller. If the communication is broken, RMCTools will not attempt to restart communication. SeeGo Onlinefor details.

Go Offline: Closes communication with the currently selected controller. SeeGo Onlinefor details.

Connection Path: Opens the Connection Path dialog to choose the method of connection to the controller.

Download All to Controller: Downloads all the parameters from the project to the currently selected controller. This will overwrite the controller values.

Upload All from Controller: Uploads all the parameters from the currently selected controller to the project. This will overwrite the project values.

Save Communication Log: Saves the log of RMCTools communications with the RMC. This is only useful when requested by Delta technical support.

RUN Mode: Puts the controller in RUN Mode.

PROGRAM Mode: Puts the controller in PROGRAM Mode.

Enable Controller: Issues an Enable Controller (7) command.

Fault Controller: Issues a Fault Controller (8) command.

Clear All Faults: Issues a Clear Faults (4) command to every axis.

Update Flash: Updates theFlashmemory.

View/Change Modules: Opens the RMC Hardware Configuration Dialog dialog.

View/Change Axis Definitions: Opens the Axis Definitions dialog.

Reset Controller to Defaults: Resets the controller to its default settings.

Restart Controller: Restarts the controller. Performs a cold restart, which is the same as cycling power. Anything not saved to Flash will be lost.

View Communication Statistics: Opens the Communication Statistics window.



Download Programs to Controller: Downloads all the contents of the Programming folder to the controller.

Upload Programs from Controller: Uploads all of the contents of the Programming folder from the controller.

New User Program: Creates a new User Program.

Export User Program: Exports a User Program.

Import User Program: Imports a User Program.

Verify Programs:Verifyies the programs (all the contents of the Programming folder).

Lock Programming: Locks the user programs so changes cannot be made. See Programming Security for details.

Unlock Programming: Unlocks the user programs so changes can be made. See Programming Security for details.

Browse Labels: Displays a list of all the Labels in the user programs and their locations.

Programming Properties: Opens the Programming Properties dialog.



Open Plot Manager: Opens the Plot Manager.

Edit Plot Templates: Opens the Plot Template Editor.

Download Plot Templates to Controller: Downloads thePlot Templatesto the controller.

Upload Plot Templates from Controller: Uploads the Plot Templates from the controller.

Save Plots: Save any of the plots listed on the History tab.

Open Plot File: Open a saved plot file.

Recent Plot Files: List of recently saved or opened plot files.

Select Active Plot: Select which of the Plot Templates is active. The Capture and Trend buttons on the Plot Manager Toolbar apply to the active plot template.

Start Trend: Start a trend using the active plot template.

Upload Captured Plot:  Upload a captured plot using the active plot template.

Stop Trend/Upload: Stop the current upload or trend in progress.

Trigger Plot: Start capturing a plot immediately. This will not upload the plot; to do so, click the Capture button.

Re-arm Plot: Rearm the plot. This is the same as sending theRearm Plot (103)command.

Zoom: Choose a zoom method.

View: Choose to view various Plot Manager items.



Plot Manager: Opens the Plot Manager.

Tuning Tools: Opens the Tuning Tools.

Options: Opens the RMCTools Options dialog.


This menu applies to currently open editor.

Axis Tools - see theAxis Toolstopic for details.

Axis Status Registers: Displays only the Axis Status Registers pane in Axis Tools.

Axis Parameter Registers: Displays only the Axis Parameters pane in Axis Tools.

Both - Side-by-Side: Displays both the Axis Status Registers and Axis Parameters pane side-by-side in Axis Tools.

Both - Above-Below: Displays both the Axis Status Registers and Axis Parameters pane above-and-below in Axis Tools.

0 - Axis0: Choose whether or not to display this column in Axis Tools.

View Project Values: View the Axis Parameters values as they are in the project.

View Controller Values: View the Axis Parameters values as they are in the controller.

Download Axis Parameters to Controller: Downloadseverything in the Axis Parameters  of the Axis Tools to the controller.

Upload Axis Parameters from Controller: Uploads everything in the Axis Parameters  of the Axis Tools from the controller.

Step Editor - see theStep Editortopic for details.

Add Step Before: Add a step above the currently selected step.

Add Step After: Add a step below the currently selected step.

Append Step: Add a step to the end of the program.

Delete Step: Delete the currently selected step.

Move Step Up: Move the currently selected step up one step.

Move Step Down: Move the currently selected step down one step.

Add Command Before: Add a command above the currently selected command.

Add Command After: Add a command below the currently selected command.

Append Command: Add a command after the other commands in the step.

Remove Command: Delete the selected command.

Move Command Up: Move the currently selected command up one.

Move Command Down: Move the currently selected command down one.

Add Condition Before: Add a condition above the currently selected condition.

Add Condition After: Add a condition below the currently selected condition.

Append Condition: Add a condition after the other conditions in the Conditional Jump link type.

Remove Condition: Delete the selected condition.

Move Condition Up: Move the currently selected condition up one.

Move Condition Down: Move the currently selected condition down one.

Edit Step Label: Edit the label of the selected step.

Edit Step Comment: Edit the comment of the selected step.

Show Comments: Show all the comments of all steps.

Hide Comments: Hide all the comments of all steps.

Edit Program Comment: Edit the comment of the user program.



Close: Close the current window.

Close All: Close all the open windows.

Close All But This: Close all the open windows except the currently active window.

Next: Display the next open window.

Previous: Display the previous open window.

Split Side-by-Side: Split the active window into a new vertical tab group.

Split Above-Below: Split the active window into a new horizontal tab group.

Move to Previous Tab Group: Move the active window to the previous tab group.

Move to Next Tab Group: Move the active window to the next tab group.

Reset to Basic Layout: Resets the windows and dockable panes to the basic layout. This is useful if the windows become jumbled.

Reset to Small-Screen Layout: Resets the windows and dockable panes to the layout optimized for smaller screens. This sets the Project pane and Command Tool to auto-hide, freeing up screen space.



Help Topics: Opens the help.

Video Tutorials: Links to the videos page on Delta's website for tutorials on the startup procedure, basic motion, communications, and more.

Product Support: Links to the support page of Delta's website.

Check for Updates: Checks if there is a newer version of RMCTools available. If there is, provides a link to the RMCTools download page on Delta's website. Requires an Internet connection.

What's New: Opens a window describing recent important changes to RMCTools.

Show Startup Wizard: Opens the Startup Wizard for creating a new project or opening an existing project.

About RMCTools: Shows version information for the RMCTools software and technical support contact information.

menu tree

See Also

Using the RMCTools Interface | Standard Toolbar | Status Bar | Shortcut Commands

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Copyright © 2025 Delta Computer Systems, Inc. dba Delta Motion