RMCTools Options Dialog

To access this dialog:
On the Tools menu, choose Options.


The Options dialog contains various RMCTools settings. These settings apply to RMCTools, and are not saved to the project file or the RMC controller. The Options dialog contains the following sections:

Environment Page


Choose what happens when RMCTools starts up.

Address Format

This applies to windows with a Reg # column that lists addresses of the displayed registers such as in the Axis Tools, Indirect Data Map Editor, and Variable Table Editor. This option only affects how the register addresses are displayed.

If you are using a PLC or HMI to communicate with the RMC, setting this to the addressing method you are using makes it easy to find addresses for registers in the RMC. You can also set the address format by right-clicking any Register cell in RMCTools and choosing Address Format.

Output Window

Check this box to automatically close the Output window after a successful Upload All or Download All, unless it was previously open.

Plot File Format

Choose the default plot file type when saving plots. See Saving and Exporting Plots for details on the plot file types.

Programming Page

Program Timing

When RMCTools verifies the Programming, it displays the results in the Verify Results window. This option specifies how much detail is shown in the Verify Results window. For more details, see the Program Capacity and Time Usage topic.

Verify Results

Check this box to automatically close the Verify Results window after a successful verify, unless it was previously open.

Step Editor

Select whether to show the tag browser when editing expression in the expression editor.

Communications Page

Communication Log

Choose how much information is saved in the Communication Log. This option should only be changed when directed by Delta technical support.

Ethernet Timeouts (RMC75/150/200)

If you are connected to the RMC via Ethernet and are experiencing lost connections, you can adjust the Ethernet timeouts to accommodate the unreliable connection. Several preset profiles are available, or you can choose custom to set your own timeouts:

Ethernet Connection Size (RMC200)

Select the EtherNet/IP messaging connection size that RMCTools will use to connect to RMC200 controllers. Larger sizes will result in faster communication in certain cases such as plot uploads and other large data transfers.

Notice that RMC200 firmware 1.19.0 or newer is required to benefit from connection sizes larger than 1416 bytes. RMCTools will still use a 1416-byte connection with controllers with older firmware even if a larger connection size is selected.

This setting will take effect the next time the connection is opened. Therefore, if you currently have a connection open, then you must close and re-open your connection to use the new connection size.

USB/Serial Timeouts (RMC75/150)

This section specifies the timeouts used by RMCTools for both serial and USB connections with the RMC75 and RMC150 controllers.

Firmware Update (RMC75S/RMC75P)

Specify the baud rate for RMCTools to use when updating firmware on RMC75S and RMC75P controllers. Higher baud rates will mean quicker firmware updates. The default baud rate is 115200, and should be supported by most PCs. If you have trouble with this baud rate, you should try selecting 38400. Baud rates above 115200 are generally only supported on specialized serial ports.

Plots Page

Plot File Format

Defines the default file type when manually saving plots. RMCTools plots can be saved and opened in two formats:

Auto-saved plots will always save in compressed format (.rmcplotx). See Saving and Exporting Plots for more details.

Plot Auto-Save

Enable or disable the Auto-Saved Plots feature that automatically saves uploaded plots to an internal folder on the PC.

You may adjust the amount of storage reserved for the auto-saved plots. The Plot Auto-Save Size Limit range is 1-2048 MB.

See Auto-Saved Plots for details.


See Also

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