Programming Properties

To access this dialog:
In the Project pane, right-click Programming and click Properties.


Use the Programming Properties to view and change the general programming properties. After making changes, make sure to download the Programming node to apply the changes.

General Page

Use the General page to set Task settings.



Number of User Tasks

Specify how many tasks you want in the RMC. Each task can run one step from one User Program at a time.

Program Triggers

The Program Trigger task must be enabled in order to run. When it is enabled, the Program Triggers will always run when the RMC is in RUN mode.


Choose the behavior of the Program Triggers. This relates to what the conditions do when the RMC enters Run mode.

Trigger on rising edge of condition only will start the specified action only when the condition experiences a rising edge, which means the condition changes from false to true. This is the recommended option.


Trigger on rising edge of condition OR when the condition is true upon entering Run mode will start the specified action when the condition changes from false to true. It will also start the specified action if the condition happens to be true when the RMC enters Run mode, even though there was not a specific rising edge of the condition at that time.
This option is not recommended, but exists to be compatible with the functionality of older firmware.


RUN/PROGRAM Page (RMC75/150)

Use the RUN/PROGRAM page to set the RUN/PROGRAM Mode settings.



Startup Mode

Specify whether the RMC starts up in PROGRAM mode or RUN mode.

If you use the _FirstScan bit in the Program Triggers to start a program when the RMC starts up, it must be set to start in RUN mode. The _FirstScan bit is checked when the RMC enter RUN mode.


Use this option to define an input as a Run/Program input. When the input transitions from inactive to active, the RMC will enter RUN mode. When the input transitions from active to inactive, the RMC will enter PROGRAM mode.


The state of the input does not necessarily reflect the RUN/PROGRAM state, because the RUN/PROGRAM mode can be changed by other methods.

RUN/Disabled Page (RMC200)

Use the RUN/Disabled page to set the RUN/Disabled Mode settings.



Startup State

Specify whether the RMC starts up in PROGRAM, RUN, or Disabled state.

If you use the _FirstScan bit in the Program Triggers to start a program when the RMC starts up, it must be set to start in RUN mode. The _FirstScan bit is checked when the RMC enter RUN mode.

RUN/Disabled Input

Use this option to define an input as a Run/Disabled input. When the input transitions from inactive to active, the RMC will enter RUN mode. When the input is inactive, the RMC will be disabled.

When the input is active, it does not necessarily indicate that the RMC is in Run mode, because the RUN mode can be exited by other methods.

Auto-Enable Axes

Use this option to define whether all the axes should be enabled when the controller is enabled. The controller is enabled when the Enable Controller (7) command is sent, the RMC enters Program mode or Run mode, or upon startup if the Startup State is set to RUN.

Halts Page

Use the Halts page to specify which tasks will stop when any axis halts (except an External Halt).



Stop All Tasks

When any axis halts (except an External Halt), all tasks will stop. Requires firmware 1.05 or newer.

Stop No Tasks

When any axis halts (except an External Halt), no tasks will stop.

Stop the Following Tasks

When any axis halts (except an External Halt), the selected tasks will stop. If you have tasks that must always run, choose this option and uncheck those tasks. Requires firmware 3.31.0 or newer.

Verify Page

Use the Verify page to set some advanced program features.



Log Expression Statements

If this is enabled, assignments and copies in the Expression (113) command will be logged in detail in the Event Log.

Logging makes the program slightly larger and run slower. If you are running up against the limits of speed or size, disable this feature.

When downloading or verifying programs, the Verify Results Window shows the size of the programs and the time they will use when running, along with the respective limits. If the program exceeds the limits, an error will be reported.

Log Immediate Commands

If this is enabled, immediate commands will be logged in detail in the Event Log.

Logging makes the program slightly larger and run slower. If you are running up against the limits of speed or size, disable this feature.

When downloading or verifying programs, the Verify Results Window shows the size of the programs and the time they will use when running, along with the respective limits. If the program exceeds the limits, an error will be reported.

Security Page

Use the Security page to set the user program security settings. See the Programming Security topic for details. If the settings on this page are grayed out, either the firmware version doesn't support password protection, or you must first unlock the programming as specified in the Programming Security topic.


See Also

Program Triggers | Tasks

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