Labeling Steps

You can add a label to any step in a User Program. The label may be used in Link Types when specifying the step to jump to. Labels are global: you can jump to a label in any User Program. Prudent use of labels makes the User Programs more flexible and readable.

It is not necessary to label a step to jump to it from the previous step. Entering "Next" in the Jump to box of a link type will jump to the next step without requiring a label.

Using Labels to Jump to Steps

Jumping to a step by specifying a Label is often better than specifying a Step Number. If you use a step number, the number will change if a step is inserted before it. Then the jump will go to the wrong step. If you use a step Label, the jump will always go the step with that label.

To create a jump to a step with a label:

Add a Label to a Step

Delete a Label

Edit a Label

Finding Labels

In large projects, it may be difficult to keep track of all the labels. Use the Browse Labels dialog to view all the labels in a project and their locations. You can also use it to go to the location of a label.


See Also

User Program Overview

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