Updating Flash

Updating Flash is the process by which the data in the RMC is stored to non-volatile Flash memory. In order to save data even when power is removed, the Flash must be updated. After changing the configuration of the RMC, such as parameters, axis definitions, variable initial values, curves (temporary curves cannot be saved to Flash), and more, you must update Flash in order to save the settings through a power cycle.

Updating Flash from RMCTools

To update flash from RMCTools:

The Flash updates typically take 1 or 2 seconds, but may take a few seconds longer on larger projects. The Event Log will log the start and finish time of the Flash update, and the amount of Flash memory used.

The RMC will continue to control motion as usual during a Flash update. On the RMC75/150 (not the RMC200), the green CPU LED will flash while a Flash update is in progress.

You may also be prompted to save to Flash when the controller is warm restarted after changing certain controller data.

Updating Flash via a Command

You can use the Update Flash (110) command to update Flash. While a Flash update is in progress, the green CPU LED will flash.

Flash Size

The entire RMC project is saved to Flash, including axis parameters, plot templates, variable table defaults, user programs, and curves. After updating Flash, the Event Log will log the amount of Flash memory used. The total Flash size is as follows:


Flash Size

RMC75E (1.1G and newer)

1024 KB

RMC75E (1.1F and older)

256 KB


96 KB


96 KB


1024 KB


6016 KB

Updating Flash versus Retentive Variables

Variable values can be remembered between power cycles by marking them as retentive (RMC75E, RMC150E, and RMC200 only), or by updating Flash. The table below compares each method. Usually, marking variables as retentive is a better choice than using Flash.


Updating Flash

Retentive Variables (RMC75E, RMC150E, and RMC200 only)

Value Stored

Initial Value

Current Value

Update Frequency

When the Update Flash is
commanded by user or program

Automatically every 100msec

Update Time

RMC75S/P: 1 second

RMC75/RMC150: 2 seconds

RMC200: Multiple seconds

< 10 milliseconds

Write Cycle Limits

100,000 or 1 million, see below



Flash Write Cycle Limits

The Flash memory chip on the RMC75S, RMC75P, and RMC200 is limited 100,000 update cycles. The RMC75E and RMC150E are limited to 1 million update cycles. Due to these limits, you should take care to program the RMC so that this limit will not be exceeded during the life of the controller.


See Also

Update Flash (110) Command

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