RMC Hardware Configuration Dialog

To access this dialog:
In the Project pane, expand Modules and double-click View/Change Modules.


Use this dialog to view and change the RMC hardware modules. The image in the dialog displays the complete RMC along with the part number. The modules in the project can only be changed when RMCTools is offline with the RMC.


For each section, choose Change, Add or Delete to change, add or remove a module. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the module order for moveable modules.

Making changes to the RMC75 hardware configuration will cause the Axis Definitions to be reset to the default settings.


Click on the image to choose a slot. For each slot, choose the desired module from the list. Click Delete to remove a module from a slot.

Making changes to the RMC75 hardware configuration will cause the Axis Definitions to be reset to the default settings.


In the Base box, chose the desired base. For each row in the Modules column, choose the desired module.

Click Delete to remove a module from a slot. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the module order for moveable modules.

Making changes to the RMC200 hardware configuration will not reset the axis definitions, but may result in invalid Axis Definitions. Make sure to review the Axis Definitions after making any module changes.


See Also

Axis Definitions

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