External Halt

The External Halt is not intended to actually halt motion; rather, it is intended only to signal a master controller, such as a PLC, that an axis should be halted, and the PLC should then take care of the halting. The External Halt does not affect motion in any way. An External Halt will not stop any user programs. The External Halt is one of the four types of RMC Halts.

When an External Halt occurs, only the following happens:


If the External Halt was triggered because of the occurrence of a No Transducer or Transducer Overflow error, which in themselves may severely impact motion, the feedback value will be held at its last valid value.

Triggering an External Halt

An External Halt can only be triggered via Auto Stops.

After a Halt has Occurred

If the halt was caused by an Auto Stop, you should first make sure the error condition that caused it has been resolved before continuing. Once it has been fixed, you can clear the External Halt status bit by issuing the Clear Faults (4) command. Issuing a valid motion command will also clear the External Halt status bit, if the underlying error condition has gone away.


See Also

Halts Overview

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