S8 Module (RMC200)

8 SSI or Magnetostrictive Start/Stop or PWM inputs, supports one RS-422 quadrature input

The S8 module for the RMC200 provides eight inputs, individually software selectable as SSI (Synchronous Serial Interface), or magnetostrictive Start/Stop or PWM inputs. One RS-422 quadrature input (A+, A-, B+, B-) may be configured in software, using inputs 6 and 7 on the S8 module. Inputs 6 and 7 may be configured as a single SSI Monitor input.


Note: Linear magnetostrictive transducers with SSI output should be of the synchronized type. Non-synchronized is not well-suited for motion control. This does not apply to rotary SSI encoders.


Part Number

The part number of the S8 module is R200-S8.

Setting Up the S8 Module


See S8 Wiring.

Configuring an RS-422 Quadrature Input or SSI Monitor

The S8 SSI/MDT inputs 6 and 7 can be configured as an RS-422 quadrature input or an SSI_Monitor input. See Configuring S8 Channels for details.

Axis Definitions

In order to use an S8 input (SSI, MDT, or quadrature), use the Axis Definitions dialog to assign it to an RMC internal software axis.

Feedback Parameters

After an S8 input has been assigned to an axis, the following axis parameters must be configured in Axis Tools in order for the S8 to communicate with the sensor:


SSI Transducers - Required

MDT Transducers - Required

Quadrature Encoders - Required

SSI/MDT Feedback Type

SSI Data Bits

SSI Format


SSI/MDT Feedback Type

MDT Type






SSI Clock Rate

Wire Break Detection

SSI Overflow Mode

SSI Home Source

SSI Termination




MDT Blanking Period

AB Termination


After configuring the axis feedback parameters, the feedback value must be scaled to practical measurement units:

MDT Scaling

SSI Scaling

Quadrature Scaling




386 g + 26 g (2 connectors)

SSI Interface

Data Inputs

RS-422 differential

Clock Outputs

RS-422 differential


Software selectable data input impedance: 110 Ω or >200 kΩ

Clock Frequency

User-selectable 100 kHz to 2500 kHz

Maximum Cable Length

Transducer Dependent, approx. 3-2100 ft. See the SSI Clock Rate topic for details.


Transducer dependent

Count Encoding

Binary or Gray Code

Count Data Length

8 to 32 bits

Bit Masking

A selectable number of high or low bits may be masked

Additional Settings

Selectable overflow modes to conform to various SSI transducers

Wire break detection

MDT Interface (Start/Stop or PWM)

Transducer interface types

MDT with Start/Stop or PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) feedback

Interrogation Outputs

RS-422 differential (transducer must be configured for external


Return Inputs

RS-422 differential


0.0005 in. with one recirculation

Count Rate

240 MHz


Supports multiple recirculations only for PWM transducers with internal recirculations.

Maximum transducer length

440 in. at 4ms (loop-time dependent)

Quadrature Interface


5V differential (RS-422) receiver for A+, A-, B+, B-


Uses the following pins:

A+: Input 6 Ret/Dat+

A- : Input 6 Ret/Dat-

B+: Input 7 Ret/Dat+

B- : Input 7 Ret/Dat-

Input Impedance

Software selectable data input impedance: 110 Ω or >200 kΩ

Max Encoder Frequency

8,000,000 quadrature counts/second

Min Edge Alignment

55 ns time between A edge and B edge


Functional Isolation

500 VAC


Max Power Dissipation

1.8 W


Light Bar




No power to the RMC200 or the module was not inserted when the RMC200 powered up.


The module was recognized at power-up.

Input LEDs: In0 .. In7

Each transducer input has an associated input LED:

LED State



The input is not assigned to an axis.


Operating normally

The input is assigned to an axis and is receiving a valid value from the transducer.



The input is assigned to an axis and is not receiving a valid value from the transducer. This may be due to a transducer error, or due to incorrectly configured axis feedback parameters.


Transducer errors that cause an invalid value on the S8 include:

  • For SSI, there is a Wire Break condition and Wire Break Detection is enabled.

  • For SSI, an SSI Overflow Pattern was detected.

  • For Start/Stop or PWM, there was no start pulse detected or rising edge of the PWM response.

  • For Start/Stop or PWM, there was no stop pulse or falling edge of the PWM response in the required time.


Simulate mode

The axis is in simulate mode.


Note: The input LED may appear to be amber for certain transducer errors when the RMC is alternately seeing a valid and invalid input, and the LED is switching between red and green colors quickly enough that the LED appears to be amber.



See Also

RMC200 Overview | S8 Wiring | MDT Fundamentals | SSI Fundamentals | Quadrature Fundamentals

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