The following steps are required to connect an RMC unit to a PROFIBUS network:
1. Set the RMC's station address
On the front panel of the RMC75P, use a small screwdriver to turn the rotary switches to the desired values. The address is the sum of the value of each switch times its respective multiplier. Use any station address between 1 and 99. Zero (0) is not allowed as a station address. Since the station address 1 is normally used for the master, Delta recommends not setting the address to 1.
The station address on the RMC75P must match the station address as expected by the master. Step 3 explains how to set the station address in the master.
The station address is: (0 x 10) + (3 x 1) = 3
In RMCTools, go online with the RMC.
In the Project Pane, expand the Modules folder and double-click the PROFIBUS module.
On the PROFIBUS page, enter the desired station address. Use any station address between 1 and 125. Since the station address 1 is normally used for the master, Delta recommends not setting the address to 1. The value 126 is the default address and indicates that a station address has not yet been assigned.
Click OK. The change will automatically be downloaded to the RMC.
2. Determine the Appropriate GSD Configuration Module
A GSD file is a device description file used to inform the PROFIBUS master how to communicate with the device. The master requires a GSD file from each device in the network. The RMC's GSD files are is installed by the RMCTools software package in the RMCTools folder. The GSD file is also available from Delta's website
The GSD file contains several configuration module entries. When adding an RMC to a PROFIBUS network (Step 3), you will need to select exactly one of these configuration modules. Each of these modules is assigned a title, which is often referred to by PROFIBUS configuration software as an Order Number.
To determine the correct GSD order number, first determine the operation mode. The following operation modes are available on the RMCs:
RMC75P |
If you do not know the difference between these modes or have not yet determined which is right for your application, please read the PROFIBUS Overview topic. Most users prefer the I/O modes.
Delta has found several cases where the GSD file is not supported correctly or manual setup is otherwise required. In these cases, you will need to manually set up the PROFIBUS. See the topic for the mode you will be using for parameterization and configuration values.
3. Configure the PROFIBUS Network
The PROFIBUS network configuration is stored in the master PROFIBUS device. Creating this configuration is the most difficult step in making the network work. This step requires a device description file (GSD file) from each device in the network, including the RMC.
The following steps outline configuring your PROFIBUS-DP network. The steps are general because various manufacturers handle these steps differently.
Open your PROFIBUS-DP master configuration program.
If you are modifying an existing PROFIBUS-DP network, open your current configuration file.
If you are creating a new PROFIBUS-DP network, you must create a new network, add a master device to the network, and select the baud rate of the network.
Add the RMC's GSD file to your configuration programs GSD database if it is not already there.
Add and configure an RMC75P Motion Controller or RMC150E Motion Controller slave device to the network. This involves selecting the correct configuration module for your RMC module and application. Refer to Step 2, Determining the Appropriate GSD Configuration Module, for details on selecting the correct configuration module.
Select the addresses that the master will use for the registers read from the RMC.
The PROFIBUS configuration should include a Word Order setting. Because PROFIBUS-DP does not specify the word order for 32-bit values, Delta allows the order to be swapped through this setting. You will probably not know which is correct until later in the process. If you receive data over the PROFIBUS network, but the values are not what you expect or do not make sense, return to this step and try swapping the word order.
Add any other RMC devices you want on the same network. To do this, repeat steps 5, 6 and 7.
Save your configuration.
Send the configuration to the master device. This step varies greatly depending on the type of master you use.
If you are using COM PROFIBUS, SyCon, or SST Profibus Configuration, you should select one of the following topics for more detailed instructions:
Configuring a PROFIBUS-DP Network with COM PROFIBUS
Configuring a PROFIBUS-DP Network with SST Profibus Configuration
Configuring a PROFIBUS-DP Network with SyCon
4. Ready to use PROFIBUS!
Once you have configured the PROFIBUS, can begin the communications. For details on how to use it, see the topic for the mode you have chosen:
I/O Mode (4, 8, 16, or 32 regs)
Basic (RMC75P only)
Basic+ (RMC75P only)
Enhanced (RMC75P only)
Enhanced+ (RMC75P only)
See Also
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