The RMC75P supports four additional modes that are not supported by the RMC150E: Basic, Basic+, Enhanced, and Enhanced+.
These Basic/Enhanced modes require more programming in the PLC and are typically more difficult to use than the I/O modes. Therefore, most users will prefer the I/O modes. However, the I/O modes typically require more programming in the RMC. The following table lists pros and cons of the Basic/Enhanced modes to help you choose which mode is appropriate for your application:
I/O Modes |
Basic/Enhanced Modes |
Basic/Enhanced Mode Details
If you decide to use a Basic/Enhanced mode, choose from one of the following. For more details, see the topic for each respective mode.
Mode: |
Commands* per Cycle |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Simultaneous |
Cyclic Read |
8 |
16 |
8 |
16 |
Explicit Read |
1 |
1 |
1+7 |
1+7 |
Explicit Write |
1 |
1 |
1+7 |
1+7 |
Bandwidth Required (16-bit words) |
16 consistent** I/O words |
16 consistent** I/O words + 16 consistent** Input words |
2 blocks of 16 consistent** I/O words |
2 blocks of 16 consistent** I/O words + 16 consistent** Input words |
*For commands with more than 5 command parameters, only the first 5 parameters will be issued. The remaining parameters will be 0. To issue such commands completely, include them in a user program and issue a command via PROFIBUS to start the user program.
**A block of PROFIBUS data is called 'consistent' if it is consistent over the length of the block, rather than just over a single 8- or 16-bit data item. Consistent blocks of data will stay together through the communication, from the time it was captured in the slave device until it is delivered to the master application, whereas data from different consistent blocks could have been sampled at different times.
For details on reading, writing and issuing commands, see the mode type you are using. For instructions on how to select a mode, see the PROFIBUS Configuration topic.
RMC Register Addresses for Basic/Enhanced Modes
When using the Basic/Enhanced modes, the RMC register addresses use the same file:element addresses as the RMC's Allen-Bradley IEC-61131 addresses.
For example, to read the Axis 0 Actual Position via PROFIBUS, its address is %MD8.8. Therefore, the address via PROFIBUS is file 8, element 8.
See Also
PROFIBUS Overview | PROFIBUS Mode: Basic | PROFIBUS Mode: Basic+ | PROFIBUS Mode: Enhanced | PROFIBUS Mode: Enhanced+
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