AA Module

The AA module is one of the axis modules available for the RMC75. It interfaces to analog voltage or current transducers and has 1 analog servo output per axis. The AA module is available with either 1 or 2 axes, called the AA1 and the AA2.


Part Number

The part numbers of the Analog AA modules are AA1 and AA2 for the 1-axis and 2-axis versions, respectively.

For example, RMC75E-AA1 is an RMC75E with a one-axis AA1 module.

Setting Up the AA Module

To set up the AA module, read the following topics:

AA Wiring

Analog Position Scaling

Analog Velocity Scaling

Analog Acceleration Scaling

Analog Pressure/Force Scaling

Specifications (per axis)



74 g (AA1), 76 g (AA2) + 22 g (per connector)

Analog Input Interface


One differential input per axis

Overvoltage Protection

±40 V

Input Ranges

-10 V to +10 V and 4-20 mA (each axis independently configured)

Broken wire detection

When the input is not connected, internal biasing pulls the input voltage down to its full negative value.

Input Impedance

Voltage Input: 5 MΩ

Current Input: 250 Ω  

Input Filter Slew Rate

25 V/ms (100 mA/ms)


8 times per control loop

Effective Resolution

19-bit over full ±10 V range

(18-bit for 0-10 V and ±5 V, 17 bit for 0-5V, 16 bit for 4-20mA)

Offset Drift with Temperature

0.2 LSB/ºC (1 µA/ºC) typical*


Gain Drift with Temperature

20 ppm/ºC (0.003 %/ºC) typical*



12 LSB (counts) typical

Exciter Output

10 VDC ±2%, 8 mA maximum

Control Output


 ±10 V @ 5 mA (2 kΩ or greater load)(For current drive, use the VC2124 accessory:±10 mA to ±200 mA in 10 mA steps)

Tolerance At 10 V:

Currently unavailable


16 bits

Output Isolation

Not isolated

Overload protection

One-second short-circuit duration

Overvoltage protection

Outputs are protected by clamp diodes

Fault Input

Input Characteristics

12-24 VDC, sinking or sourcing

Logic Polarity

True High

Input "High" Range

7 to 26.4 VDC (polarity independent)

3 mA maximum

Input "Low" Range

0 to 3.5VDC (polarity independent)

Maximum Propagation Delay


Enable Output

Output Type

Solid State Relay

Logic Polarity

User Selectable to Active Open or Active Closed


500 VAC

Rated Voltage

12-24 V, max 30 V (DC or peak AC voltage)

Maximum Current

75 mA

Maximum Propagation Delay

2.0 ms



Low Impedance (50 Ω maximum)


High Impedance (<1 µA leakage current at 250 V)

See the Fault Input and Enable Output topics for usage details.

*Max Offset Drift 4.8 µA/ºC, Max Gain Drift 0.009 %/ºC under maximum possible circuit component error amount, which is very unlikely to ever occur in practice.


Axis LED
This LED represents the input and control status for the axis. This bi-color (red/green) LED has the following states:



Steady Off

No power or this input is not assigned to an axis.

Steady Green

The axis is either in closed loop control or is a reference axis. The axis is not halted.

Flashing Green

The input is in open loop and the axis is not halted (not possible for reference axes).

Flashing Red

A Closed Loop Halt or External Halt has occurred because an error bit is set (not possible for reference axes). The LED will not turn red due to a halt caused by halt command.

Steady Red

An Open Loop Halt or Direct Output Halt has occurred because an error bit is set (for reference axes, any halt has occurred). The LED will not turn red due to a halt caused by halt command.

This LED represents the status of the Enable Output and Fault Input
for the axis. This bi-color (red/green) LED will have the following states:



Steady Off

No power or the Control Output is not assigned to an axis.

Steady Green

The Fault input is inactive, and the Enable output is active.

Flashing Green

The Fault input is inactive, and the Enable output is inactive.

Steady Red

The Fault input is active. Notice that it is not possible to tell if the Enable output is active or inactive.


See Also

AA Wiring | Analog Position Scaling | Analog Velocity Scaling | Analog Acceleration Scaling | Analog Pressure/Force Scaling | Analog Fundamentals

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