Analog Acceleration Scaling

To have any useful meaning, the Voltage or Current from an analog transducer on an acceleration input must be scaled to measurement units. This topic describes how to manually calculate the Scaling and Offset parameters for an analog acceleration transducer.

Notice that Acceleration inputs are only used in advanced applications.

Scaling Acceleration Units

The RMC calculates the Actual Acceleration every control-loop time using the following formula:

Actual Acceleration = ((Voltage or Current) + Acceleration Offset) x Acceleration Scale

Calculating the Acceleration Scale and Offset

  1. From the accelerometer specification sheet, determine the voltage or current at which the acceleration is zero. Call it VZERO or CZERO. Negate that value, and enter it as the Acceleration Offset.

    Acceleration Offset = -VZERO

    Acceleration Offset = -CZERO

  2. From the accelerometer specification sheet, determine what the maximum acceleration is. Call it Max Accel.

  3. From the accelerometer specification sheet, determine what the voltage or current output should be at the Max Accel. Call it VMAX or CMAX. Calculate the Acceleration Scale with one of the following equations:

Acceleration Scale = Max Accel / (VMAX - VZERO)

Acceleration Scale = Max Accel / (CMAX - CZERO)


See Also

Scaling Overview | Acceleration Scale | Acceleration Offset

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