RMCTools communicates directly with the RMC75E, RMC150E, and RMC200 over Ethernet.
Connecting to the RMC via Ethernet
Use these steps to connect from RMCTools to the RMC75E, RMC150E, or RMC200 using Ethernet:
Connect the RMC and the PC to the same Ethernet network. For more information, see the RMC Ethernet Setup and Setting Up a Standalone TCP/IP Network topics.
Open a project in RMCTools. For more details, see the New Project and New Controller wizard help topics.
In the Project Pane, right-click the controller you wish to connect to and click Connection Path.
Choose Ethernet and click Browse. RMCTools will list all the RMCs connected via Ethernet. If your RMC does not appear in the box, see the Troubleshooting RMCTools Ethernet Connection topic.
Choose the desired RMC. If you have multiple RMCs connected, use the part number and MAC address to determine which one to choose from the list.
If the RMC does not have an IP address, click the Configure Device button to set the IP Address settings.
Click OK.
Click Go Online.
Unreliable RMCTools Connections
Slow or poor Ethernet connections between RMCTools and an RMC may cause lost connections. Use the Communications: Ethernet section of the RMCTools Options dialog to choose Ethernet timeouts intended for slow connections.
RMCTools Ethernet Port
RMCTools uses TCP port 44818 for the main communications, and port 1324 for browsing for controllers on the Ethernet network. Very old firmware on some controllers may require port 50000. If your PC has a firewall, make sure it allows connections to these ports. If the RMC is behind a firewall, make sure the firewall forwards these ports to the RMC’s IP address.
See Also
Troubleshooting RMCTools Ethernet Connection | Monitor Port | Ethernet Overview
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