RMCLink Component

How to: Use from LabVIEW

Delta provides LabVIEW Instrument drivers for the RMC motion controllers.

The LabVIEW drivers for the RMC75, RMC150, and RMC200 do not require RMCLink. The LabVIEW drivers for the RMC100 require RMCLink.

Installing the Instrument Drivers in LabVIEW

To install the RMC70/150/200 instrument drivers:

  1. In LabVIEW, on the Tools menu, click Instrumentation, then click Find Instrument Drivers.

  2. In the Manufacturer box, select Delta Computer Systems and click Search.

  3. From the list, select the instrument driver for your RMC and click Install.

  4. After installation completes, click Start using this driver.

  5. You can view the examples by double clicking on them in the last page of the driver finder.

To install the RMC100 Instrument Driver (dcsRMC100):

  1. Locate the dcsRMC100_8_5.zip file in the Samples\LabVIEW\Legacy\8.5 folder under the RMCLink install location, which is typically C:\Program Files\RMCLink\.

  2. Extract the contents of the desired driver zip file and copy to the instr.lib folder under your LabVIEW install location, typically C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW\instr.lib\. When LabVIEW is restarted, the driver will appear on the Instrument Drivers palette.

Using the RMCLink LabVIEW Examples

Each LabVIEW RMC driver contains example VIs that connect to an RMC75, RMC150, RMC200 or RMC100. The example VIs are fully functional. All you need to do is set the IP address or Com port and make sure your computer is properly connected to the controller.

Using the Instrument Drivers in LabVIEW

The instrument drivers are documented within LabVIEW. Example applications are included to help you get started. For help on commands and RMC functionality, refer to the RMCWin or RMCTools help. For the help on the COM component functions of the RMC100 driver, refer to the RMCLink COM Component topics in this help file.

RMC Addresses

The RMC70, 150, and 200 addresses used by the VIs are the same as listed in the RMCLink RMC70, RMC150, and RMC200 Address Map topics, and in the RMCTools help.

The RMC100 addresses used by the VIs are listed in the RMCLink RMC100 Address Map topic. Notice that the register map topics in RMCWin will not work with the LabVIEW VIs.

Error Handling

Each method will return any errors in the error out terminal. However, notice that the values will not match the RMCLinkError enumeration, but will have the value 2,146,828,288 subtracted from it. That is, instead of the value 5 (rmcEOutOfMemory) for an out of memory condition, the error out will be -2,146,828,283 (rmcEOutOfMemory - 2,146,828,288).


See Also

RMCLink COM Component | How Do I Overview | RMCLink Component

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