Compare Motion Controllers

Which Motion Controller Should You Use?

Choosing between the RMC70, RMC150, and RMC200 starts with the number of axes needed for your application. Our RMCs share most of the same features, but some differences do exist, and you can find them listed on this page.

The RMC70, RMC150 and RMC200 use the same RMCTools Software for setup, programming, and tuning your system.

If you need additional information, have questions, or wish to get a quote, please contact us or your local distributor.


Axes are a fundamental concept for all RMC motion controllers:

  • Control Axis: Includes one control output and and the associated feedback to be controlled. A single-loop axis uses one feedback quantity, such as position. A dual-loop axis uses two feedback quantities, such as position and pressure.
  • Reference Axis: Includes only feedback. For example, a reference axis could be used for a joystick input.
  • Virtual Axis: Includes only a virtual target position (with velocity and acceleration) with no feedback or control loop. Typically used as a gear or cam master.
  • Cascading Outer Loop Axis: Identical to a Control Axis, but provides a virtual Control Output and no physical Control Output. Used for cascaded loop applications.
    Motion Controller: Max Control Axes: Max Dual-Loop Axes: Max Total Axes (All Types):
    RMC70 2 2 4
    RMC150 8 8 16
    RMC200 Lite 18 12* 48
    RMC200 Standard 50 34** 128

    * RMC200 Lite: Up to 12 dual-loop axes with single-input pressure or force. Up to 10 dual-loop axes with differential force input.
    ** RMC200 Standard: Up to 34 dual-loop axes with single-input pressure or force. Up to 26 dual-loop axes with differential force input.

Communication Options - RMC to I/O

The RMCs support the following communication types from the RMC to I/O.

Motion Controller: EtherCAT:
RMC200 ✓*

* Requires Delta's R200-ECAT EtherCAT MainDevice communications module.

Communication Options - PLC to RMC

The RMCs support the following communication types. The RMC200 does not support the older serial and PROFIBUS communications. If necessary, Ethernet adapters exist for connecting such communications to the RMC200.

Motion Controller: Ethernet: Serial RS-232/485: PROFIBUS:

All of Delta's RMCs support the same Ethernet protocols.

Motion Controller: EtherNet/IP: CSP: Modbus/TCP: DMCP: FINS: PROFINET:

The EtherNet/IP protocol differs between the RMCs as follows.

Motion Controller: Controlling Connections: Total Connections: Minimum RPI:
RMC70 1 4 2 ms
RMC150 1 4 2 ms
RMC200 3 4 1 ms

Transducer & Actuator Options

Our RMCs connect to a variety of transducer types for position and pressure/force feedback.

Motion Controller: SSI: Magnetostrictive Start/Stop or PWM: Analog ±10V, 4-20mA: Quadrature: Resolver: Load Cells (mV/V):

Our RMCs connect via an analog signal to valve electronics or motor amplifiers.

Motion Controller: ±10V ±20 mA, 4-20 mA

Control Features

The RMC70, 150, and 200 share most of the same features. In addition to the communications, transducer, and actuator differences described above, some control features that differ between the controllers are listed below.

RMC70 RMC150 RMC200
Analog input resolution 16-bit 16- and 12-bit 18-bit
Analog output resolution 16-bit 12- and 14-bit 18-bit
Fastest loop time 250 μsec 250 μsec 125 μsec
Improved differential force scaling
includes pressure of pressure sensors
SSI output mode (UI/O)
SSI monitor mode (UI/O) (S8,U14)
Negative correction factor for load cells
Multiple feedback filter types
Protective Circuitry

Packaging & Expandability

The RMC70 consists of a factory-configured Base Module containing the CPU Module (which includes communications) and a one- or two-axis Axis Module.

RMC70 I/O Module Details

The RMC150 is available in 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-slot factory configurable packages. The first slot can contain only certain modules. The second slot contains CPU module. The additional 1-4 slots can contain any combination of axis modules (each handling 2 axes) or DI/O or analog inputs. Dual-loop position-pressure or position-force control is added by specifying RMC151 in the part number.

RMC150 I/O Module Details

The RMC200 is available in Lite and Standard configurations. Both configurations consist of a base and user-installable modules.

The RMC200 Lite uses special base modules, B5L and B7L, and a CPU with integrated power supply and shares all other modules with the standard RMC200.

Available Standard bases are B5, B7, B11, and B15. The first slot for Standard bases contains the power supply; the second slot contains the CPU module. For both Lite and Standard bases, the third slot may contain the optional EtherCAT MainDevice Communications module. Also for either of the bases, with or without the EtherCAT module, the additional slots can contain any combination of I/O modules. The dual-loop position-pressure or position-force control requires purchasing enough Feature Key control loops to total 2 loops per dual-loop axis.

RMC200 I/O Module Details

Support & Training

All RMC controllers, as with all Delta products, are backed by Delta’s responsive 24/7 customer support. Hundreds of people are trained each year on the RMCs. And with Delta’s policy of not obsoleting products as long as there is demand, your long-term investment is secure.

RMC Family of Motion Controllers: Lasting value in electric and fluid power motion control... for systems of any size.

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