The follow buttons are available on the toolbar:
Note: In the descriptions below, the term current axis refers to the axis under which the currently selected cell on the main screen is visible.
New |
Creates a new board file with default parameters. Refer to Using Multiple Motion Modules for details on board files. |
Open |
Opens a different board file. Refer to Using Multiple Motion Modules for details on board files. |
Save |
Saves the current board file. Refer to Using Multiple Motion Modules for details on board files. |
Set Parameters |
Sends the parameters to the board for the current axis and issues a Set Parameters (P) command. |
Halt |
Issues a Halt (H) command to the current axis. |
Kill |
Issues a Disable Drive Output (K) command to all axes. |
Plot |
Displays the plot for the current axis. |
Toggle Displayed Fields |
Switches between displaying status and command fields and displaying plot time and parameter fields. This button is only available if the Half View is selected; see Selecting Your View for details on this mode. |
Save to Flash |
Issues an Update Flash command, which saves all axis parameters, tables, and configuration to the Flash. |
… |
Stored Commands |
Issues a stored command to the current axis. This is equivalent to holding CTRL and pressing a number key. Also, if the user holds down the ALT key while pressing one of these buttons, the full profile stored command is executed. This is equivalent to holding ALT and pressing a number key. See Using Stored Commands for further details. |
Copyright (c) 1997-2015 by Delta Computer Systems, Inc.