Q1 Expansion Module

The Q1 expansion module is one of the expansion modules available for the RMC75. It has one quadrature input for 5 V differential A and B signals. The Q1 also has a high-speed Reg input that can be used for homing or registration of the quadrature input. Each RMC75 can support up to 2 Q1 modules.

The Q1 is typically used for a reference input from a quadrature encoder. Example applications include providing position a board on a flying cut-off application or the position of a belt on material handling applications.

One quadrature encoder can typically output its A and B signals to thirty-two (32) RMC75 Q1 modules. See the Q1 Wiring topic for details.

Maximum Number of Q1 Modules

The RMC75 can support at most two Q1 modules.






99 g

Quadrature Interface


5V differential (RS422) receiver, Quadrature A, B

Input Impedance

16 kΩ unterminated

249 Ω terminated (selectable by jumpers)

Max. Encoder Frequency

8,000,000 quadrature counts/second

Common Mode Input Range

-10 V to +13.2 V

Absolute Max Voltage

±25 VDC. Applying greater than ±25 V will damage the receiver chip and will require repair by Delta. Notice that the quadrature input is not compatible with 24 V signals.


Daisy-chain one encoder to a maximum of 32 Q1 modules

Reg Input

Input Characteristics

12-24 VDC, sinking or sourcing

Logic Polarity

True High

Min Turn-On Voltage

5.75 V

Min Turn-On Current

1.25 mA

Max Turn-On Voltage

6.5 V

Max Turn-On Current

2.0 mA

Max Input Voltage

26.4 VDC

Max Input Current

2.6 mA at 24 V

Reg Input Response Time

40 µs


Quad LED
This LED represents the input and control status for the axis. This bi-color (red/green) LED has the following states:



Steady Off

No power or this input is not assigned to an axis.

Steady Green

The axis is either in closed loop control or is a reference axis. The axis is not halted.

Flashing Green

The input is in open loop and the axis is not halted (not possible for reference axes).

Flashing Red

A Closed Loop Halt or External Halt has occurred because an error bit is set (not possible for reference axes). The LED will not turn red due to a halt caused by halt command.

Steady Red

An Open Loop Halt or Direct Output Halt has occurred because an error bit is set (for reference axes, any halt has occurred). The LED will not turn red due to a halt caused by halt command.

This LED represents the physical state of the registration (Reg) input:




The RMC75 has no power, or the "Reg" input is off.

Steady Amber

The "Reg" input is on (current is flowing).


See Also

Q1 Wiring | Quadrature Fundamentals

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