
Autotuning is part of the Tuning Wizard. Autotuning automatically moves the axis as specified by the user. With the plots generated by the motion, RMCTools determines the system model, from which it determines valid gains (if you prefer to use plots you took previously, the Tuning Wizard can generate a model from existing plots). The user then positions a slider bar on the Gain Calculator to pick from a range of appropriate gains for the system.

Autotuning can only be used to calculate control gains for position axes. It does not support calculating velocity, pressure, or force control gains.

Autotuning can be used for:


For position, pressure or force axes types that cannot be autotuned, the Tuning Wizard can still be used to calculate control gains based on plots manually generated by the user. See the Tuning Wizard topic for details.

Using Autotuning

Before autotuning, make sure you have completed all the pre-tuning steps in the Startup Procedure and all the pre-Tuning Tools steps in the tuning procedure you are using. Specifically, the axis must be properly scaled, the Output Polarity must be correct, the Positive and Negative Travel Limits must be set (for linear axes), and the axis must be able to move in open loop.

Motion control systems often do not behave identically at low speeds and high speeds. Therefore, it may be wise to use the Tuning Wizard as a first pass at tuning. Once the system is controllable, you can capture plots of motion at the intended speed and conditions of normal machine operation. You can then use these plots in the Tuning Wizard to compute a system model that more accurately represents the system during its normal operation.

To start autotuning:

  1. Launch the Tuning Wizard:

  2. In the Tuning Wizard, choose Use Autotuning Wizard, and click Next.

  3. Follow the instructions of the Tuning Wizard.

If Autotuning Doesn't Work

Autotuning may not work for every situation. If it doesn't work for tuning your axis, you can still take advantage of the Tuning Wizard and the Gain Calculator as follows:

  1. Use the Tuning Tools to tune the axis with only the Proportional Gain.

  2. Increase the Proportional Gain until the axis is tracking reasonably well.

  3. Make sure to get plots of motion in both direction.

  4. Open the Tuning Wizard and choose Use an Existing Plot.

  5. Complete the tuning wizard, selecting the plots you made.

  6. After the completing the wizard, the  Gain Calculator will open. Use the slider bar to pick from a range of appropriate gains for the system.



See Also

Tuning Wizard | Gain Calculator

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