Gain Calculator

The Gain Calculator calculates gains for the axis based on the system model that was generated by the Tuning Wizard. After the Tuning Wizard completes, the Gain Calculator opens. Using a simple slider bar, the user can choose gains from conservative to aggressive. While the Gain Calculator is open, the user can use the Tuning Tools to send move commands to the axis to try various gains until satisfied.

If the axis has multiple gain sets, the Gain Calculator will apply the gains to the first gain set.

Using the Gain Calculator

Opening the Gain Calculator

In the Plot Manager, in the Tuning Tools, click Gain Calculator. If the axis does not have a model, you will be prompted to first run the Tuning Wizard. When the wizard completes, the Gain Calculator will open.

Choosing and Applying Gains

  1. Move the slider bar to choose a set of gains. Always start with conservative gains.

  2. Click Apply Gains to download the gains to the RMC.

  3. Move the axis to test the gains. You can leave the Gain Calculator open while you make moves.
    Use the command buttons in the Tuning Tools to do this:

    1. On the Tuning tab, click one of the command buttons labeled Click to set up.

    2. Enter the position, velocity, acceleration, and deceleration for the Move Absolute command. For systems scaled in inches, typical Accel and Decel values are 10 to 100.

    3. Do the same for the other command button, using the same velocity, acceleration, and deceleration, but use a different position.

    4. You can click the buttons you just configured to move the axis back and forth to try your selected gains. The plots will automatically be uploaded so you can see how the motion is performing.

  4. Repeat until you are satisfied that the axis is controlling well.



See Also

Tuning Wizard | Autotuning

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