Scaling Overview

Scaling refers to converting the transducer feedback into meaningful units. The RMC uses the Scale and Offset parameters to convert the transducer Counts or Raw Counts into measurement units (position, velocity, pressure, force). For example, the Voltage returned by an analog position transducer must be converted to positions in order to be useful for control. In order to correctly convert the transducer feedback to useful units, you must calculate the Scale and Offset parameters.


The RMC uses the default terms Position Units (pu), Pressure Units (Pr), and Force Units (Fr) for the scaled feedback. You can change these to feedback units of your preference by choosing from a list or entering a custom unit. See Display Units for details.

Calculating the Scale and Offset

RMCTools provides Scale/Offset wizards to help you calculate the Scale and Offset parameters. You can also calculate the parameters manually.

Scale/Offset Wizards

To access the Scale/Offset wizard, in Axis Tools, in the Axis Parameters pane, click the Setup tab. Expand the Tools and Wizards section. Click Launch to open the Scale/Offset Wizard.

Before using the Scale/Offset Wizard, you must define the axes and set the transducer type parameters.

Manual Calculation

The methods of calculating the scale and offset parameters depends on the axis type. See the scaling topic for your axis type:

Analog Position Scaling

Analog Velocity Scaling

Analog Acceleration Scaling

Analog Pressure/Force Scaling

Load Cell Scaling

MDT Scaling

SSI Scaling

Quadrature Scaling

Resolver Scaling

Rotary Scaling

Scale and Offset Parameters

The following parameters converting the transducer feedback Counts into meaningful units. Each axis, whether a control axis or reference axis, has these parameters:

Provides an offset value that is applied before the Scale and Offset parameters.

Provides an offset value that is applied before the Scale and Offset parameters.

This parameter is used for bidirectional load cells, which typically have a slight gain difference between the positive and negative side.


See Also

Scale/Offset Wizard

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