Defining Axes

When creating axes, the user must define the axis type and define which physical hardware is assigned to each axis. For details on the axis types supported by the RMC, see the Axis Types Overview topic.

Changing the Axis Definitions

When the RMC powers up for the first time, it will create default axes. You may need to change the axis definitions to fit your application. To change the axis definitions, use the Axis Definitions Dialog:

Note: If the controller contains a Universal I/O module, you must first set up it's channels prior to defining axes.


You will need to define the following items for each axis:



Axis Type

Control: Has a physical Control Output and zero to two inputs

Reference: Has only an input

Virtual: Has no feedbackor output. Has only a target.

Cascading Outer Loop: Used forCascade Control


Control Loops

(Control Axes and Cascading outer Loop Axes Only)


For axes with no feedback, only a Control Output


For controlling a single quantity, such as position, velocity, acceleration (single- or dual-input), pressure, or force (single- or dual-input).


Dual loop:
For controlling two quantities with a single Control Output, such as position-pressure, position-force, position-acceleration, velocity-pressure, velocity-force, velocity-acceleration.



(Control Axes Only)

Type: Analog output.


Using: Choose which physical Control Output on the RMC to use.

Feedback Types

(for axes with feedback)


  • Position

  • Velocity

  • Acceleration (single- or dual-input)

  • Pressure

  • Force (single- or dual-input)

Choose which physical inputs will be assigned to the axis, or select Custom.


Axis Labels

In addition to the axis number assigned by RMCTools, each axis can be assigned a name by the user. To change the name of an axis, in the Axis Definitions Dialog, select an axis and click Rename.

Notice that the connectors on the front of the RMC75 labeled "Axis 0" or "Axis 1" do not necessarily have to belong to the internal Axis 0 or Axis 1 in the RMC75. The connectors on the RMC150 also do not necessarily indicate which internal axis they belong to.


See Also

Axis Types: Overview

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