Configuring Discrete I/O

This topic describes how to configure the Discrete IO on the RMC. Each discrete I/O on the RMC can be configured as described below:

Basic Configuration

To configure Discrete I/O, open the Discrete I/O Configuration window first. Then, you can do any of the actions listed below. To apply the changes to the RMC, right-click the Programming node in the Project pane, and click Download Programs to Controller.




Basic Configuration Options

Configure I/O as Input or Output

Available only on discrete I/O modules with configurable I/O. In the Type column, choose Input or Output.

Assign a Tag Name to the I/O

To assign a tag name to an I/O, type a name in the Tag Name column. Tag names are limited to 64 characters.

Assigning a Tag name to each discrete I/O makes it much easier to work with.

Add a Description

In the Description column, add a description of the I/O point for your own reference.

Advanced Configuration Options

Set the PROGRAM State for Outputs

To assign the state of an output when the RMC enters or starts up in PROGRAM mode, in the PROGRAM State column, choose the desired option:

  • Hold - The output retains its previous state.

  • Off - The output turns off.

  • On - The output turns on.

Set the FAULT State for Outputs

The Fault State defines the state of the output in the following conditions:

  • The RMC receives a Fault Controller (8) command

  • The RMC200 is in the Disabled state (RMC200 Only).

  • The RMC200 powers up, regardless of the startup mode (RMC200 Only).


  • Hold - The output retains its previous state.

  • Off - The output turns off.

  • On - The output turns on.

Defining a RUN/PROGRAM Input (RMC75/150)



Defingin a RUN/Disable Input (RMC200)

To assign a discrete input to control the RMC RUN/PROGRAM/Disable mode:

  • In the Project Pane, expand the RMC node.

  • Right-click the Programming node, click Properties, and click the RUN/PROGRAM or RUN/Disable page.

  • Select Define a RUN/PROGRAM discrete input or
    Define a RUN/Disable discrete input

  • Choose the desired input and click OK.

For the RMC75 and RMC150, when the discrete input transitions from low to high, the RMC will enter RUN mode. When the input transitions from high to low, the RMC will enter PROGRAM mode.

For the RMC200, When the discrete input transitions from low to high, the RMC will enter RUN mode. When the input is low, the RMC will be in Disabled mode.


See Also

Discrete I/O Overview

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