Curve Properties

The Properties pane of the Curve Tool lists the properties of the selected curve. Each curve created in the Curve Tool may have all or some of the following properties:



Curve ID

This number uniquely defines the curve. The ID is used in the Curve Start commands to specify the curve to start.



A name for the command. This is mainly for the user's reference.



A description of the command, for the user's reference.


Number of Points

Specifies the number of points in the curve. This number cannot be edited directly, but reflects how many points the curve contains.


Curve Type

  • Standard -  A curve that can be used for any purpose other than Valve Linearization.

  • Valve Linearization - A curve that may be used for Valve Linearization. This type of curve has special requirements.


Specifies how the lines should be drawn through the points. As described in detail Curve Interpolation Methods and Options, the options are:

  • Cubic -  A smooth line is drawn through the points.

  • Linear - Straight lines are drawn from point to point.

  • Constant - A horizontal line is drawn from each point.

End Point Behavior

Defines the conditions of the first and last points of cubic-interpolated curves. As described in detail in Curve Interpolation Methods and Options, the options are:

  • Zero-Velocity -  The endpoints have zero velocity.

  • Natural-Velocity - The endpoints velocity is defined by the natural slope of the interpolated curve.

  • Cyclic - Matches the velocity of the first and last point so that the curve can be run cyclically.

Overshoot Protection

For cubic-interpolated curves, eliminates overshoot of any local maximums or local minimums in the curve points. For details, see Curve Interpolation Methods and Options.


Auto Constant Velocity Behavior

For cubic-interpolated curves, this option will automatically insert a linear segment in the curve if three or more data points are in a straight line. For details, see Curve Interpolation Methods and Options.


Life Cycle

The Life Cycle defines whether the curve will automatically be deleted, and whether it can be saved to Flash.

The possible life cycles are:

  • Permanent
    All curves created in the Curve Tool are Permanent. These can be saved to Flash. These curves will not be automatically deleted.

  • Standard
    These curves cannot be saved to Flash, must be deleted manually, or will disappear when power is removed from the controller.

  • Start-Once
    This curve will automatically be deleted after it has been started once, or will disappear when power is removed from the controller.

  • Complete-Once
    This curve will automatically be deleted after it has been completed once, or will disappear when power is removed from the controller.


The Standard, Start-Once, and Complete-Once life cycles can be specified only when creating curves using the Curve Add command. For more details, see the Curve Add (82) command.

Velocity Limit

Use this to specify a velocity limit for the curve. If the curve velocity exceeds this limit, the Curve Tool will give an error and will not allow the curve to be downloaded. To view the velocity limit on the graph, click the Show Velocity Limit button on the toolbar.

Acceleration Limit

Use this to specify an acceleration limit for the curve. If the curve acceleration exceeds this limit, the Curve Tool will give an error and will not allow the curve to be downloaded. To view the acceleration limit on the graph, click the Show Acceleration Limit button on the toolbar.


See Also

Curve Tool Overview

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