Command: Sine Stop (73)

Supported Axes:

Position Control Axes

Supported Control Modes:

Position PID, Position I-PD


See the Commands Overview topic for basic command information and how to issue commands from PLCs, HMIs, etc.

Command Parameters


Parameter Description



Stop Location

  • Next Cycle (0)

  • Middle (1)

  • Pos Peak (2)

  • Neg Peak (3)

  • Next Peak (4)

a valid integer as described


This command stops a position sine move at a prescribed location. For stopping a pressure/force sine move, see the Sine Stop (Prs/Frc) (77) command.

The sine move will stop at the next occurrence of the specified Stop Location. The Stop Location can be any of the following:

If the stop location is the middle, and the axis is currently on the quadrant after a peak and before the midpoint, then the axis will not stop on that first middle point because it could lead to extreme accelerations. Instead, the axis will continue another full cycle and then stop at the middle point.

If the stop location is the middle, the target generator will perform the stop by ramping the frequency down to zero over the last quarter-cycle. Due to this, any attempt to ramp the frequency with the Change Target Parameter (80) command during this portion of the move will be ignored.

When the Stop Location is set to Middle, the target generator performs the stop by ramping the frequency down to zero over the last quarter-cycle. Due to this, any attempt to ramp the frequency with the Change Target Parameter (80) command during this portion of the move will be ignored.

Status Bits

In Position Bit

After the target position stops, and the Actual Position is within the In Position Tolerance window, the In Position Status bit will be set. This bit indicates that the move is complete and the axis is at position.

Target Generator Bits

The Target Generator bits in the Status Bits register indicate which portion of the move the axis is currently in. These bits are useful when programming complex motion sequences.

Target Generator Done bit

This bit indicates the move is complete, which occurs when the target has stopped.

Target Generator State A and B bits

















See Also

Sine Start (72) | Sine Start (Prs/Frc) (72) | Sine Stop (Prs/Frc) (76)

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