RMCLink COM Component

DeviceType Enumeration

These constants are used when calling RMCLinkServer.CreateEthernetLink, RMCLinkServer.CreateSerialLink and RMCLinkServer.CreateUSBLink to select which type of controller will be connected to the link.

NOTE: VBScript, JScript, and PHP do not support using enumerated constants, and therefore you will have to manually type in the numbers instead of the constant names for those languages.


Member Name


dtUnknown = 0

Unspecified device

dtRMC100 = 1

RMC100 controller

dtRMC70 = 2

RMC70 controller

dtRMC150 = 3

RMC150 controller

dtRMC200 = 4

RMC200 controller


See Also

RMCLink COM Component | Enumeration Types | RMCLinkServer.CreateEthernetLink | RMCLinkServer.CreateSerialLink | RMCLinkServer.CreateUSBLink

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