RMC150 SSI Wiring

This topic covers the wiring of the SSI inputs on the RMC150 SSI (S) module. For the Control Output (Drive) wiring, see the RMC150 Control Output (Drive) Wiring topic. For wiring SSI inputs on the Universal I/O Module, see the RMC150 UI/O Wiring.

Use shielded twisted pairs for all connections to inputs and outputs.  Route the transducer wiring separate from other wiring. You must provide the power supplies needed by your transducers. See Wiring Guidelines for general wiring information.

Wire clamp screws must be tightened to max 4.5 lb-in (0.51 Nm).

The commons are internally connected.

Maximum SSI Cable Length

SSI Clock Rate

Maximum Cable Length*

230 kHz

850 ft (255 m)

921 kHz

120 ft (37 m)

* The cable lengths are approximate, and may be affected by the type of wire and transducer.

Wiring Diagram

The SSI input Cmn pin must be connected! A disconnected Cmn pin can cause noise and inaccurate readings.



See Also

SSI (S) Module (RMC150) | RMC150 Control Output (Drive) Wiring

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