

Axis Status Register



Primary Input: %MDn.11, where n = 8 + the axis number

Secondary Input: %MDn.26, where n = 8 + the axis number


Primary Input: %MDn.11, where n = 8 + the axis number

Secondary Input: %MDn.26, where n = 8 + the axis number


Primary Input: %MDn.26, where n = 8 + the axis number

Secondary Input: %MDn.86, where n = 8 + the axis number

System Tag:

Primary Input: _Axis[n].Current

Secondary Input: _Axis[n].SecCurrent

where n is the axis number

How to Find:

Axes Status Registers Pane, All tab: Feedback

Data Type:





The Current register is the current feedback from an analog transducer. It is derived from the raw counts register, which for the RMC75/150 is the value from the analog-to-digital converter, and for the RMC200 is the filtered value (see Analog Input Filter) from the analog-to-digital converter. The Current register is primarily for the user to set up and troubleshoot scaling.

The Current register is for axes with current feedback. The Voltage register is for axes with voltage feedback. Axes with other feedback types do not have a Current or Voltage register; they have a Counts register.

The RMC derives the Current from the Raw Counts, which is the value from the Analog-to-Digital Converter. The calculations are listed below. These are approximate, as the analog calibration values are also included in the calculation. The levels at which the value saturates and certain errors occur are also included.




Formula (approximate)


No Transducer

Transducer Overflow


AA1, AA2, A2, AP2

4-20 mA

RawCounts x 20.0 mA / 16,384 counts

at ±21.0 mA

< 3.6 mA

> 21.0 mA


A, H

4-20 mA

RawCounts x 20.0 mA / 32,500 counts

at ±20.1 mA

< 3.6 mA

> 20.1 mA


4-20 mA

RawCounts x 20.0 mA / 16,384 counts

at ±21.0 mA

< 3.6 mA

> 21.0 mA



4-20 mA,

±20 mA

RawCounts x 42.0 mA / 2,147,483,648 counts

at ±42.0 mA*

Less than Analog Underflow Limit

Greater than Analog Overflow Limit or either In+ or In- is out of range (see A8 specification).


4-20 mA,

±20 mA

RawCounts x 32.95 mA / 2,147,483,648 counts

at ±32.95 mA*

Less than Analog Underflow Limit

Greater than Analog Overflow Limit or either In+ or In- is out of range (see U14 specification).

*The current input is not intended for use beyond ±20 mA.


See Also

Voltage | Raw Counts | Analog Input Filter

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