Firmware Update Wizard

To access this wizard:
Go Online
with the controller. In the Project pane, expand the Modules folder, double-click the desired module and click Firmware. Click Update Firmware.


Delta regularly updates the RMC firmware to add features and fix bugs. To update the firmware in the RMC:

Refer to the Firmware topic for a list of firmware for various RMC modules.

To update the firmware, the RMC must be connected to the computer running RMCTools via USB, Ethernet, or the RS-232 Monitor Port. The second serial port on the RMC75S will not work for updating firmware. To update firmware via Ethernet, the Allow updating firmware over Ethernet box must be checked in the Ethernet Settings Page.

Introduction Page

  1. Click Next to proceed to the next page.

Select a File Page

  1. Click Browse to select the firmware file. You must have previously downloaded the RMC firmware file from Delta's download web page and saved it to your computer.

  2. Click Next to proceed to the next page.

Back Up Firmware Page

This page asks if you upload the firmware from the controller before updating the new firmware. This is recommended in case you need to revert to the old firmware.

  1. Choose Yes or No.

  2. Click Next to proceed to the next page.

Confirm Page

  1. Verify that the information is correct.

  2. When the controller begins the firmware update, it cannot control motion. Make sure your system is in a safe state.

  3. Click Next to proceed to the next page and begin the update.

In Progress Page

  1. Wait for the firmware update to complete. If an error occurs, remedy the problem, and then click Back. Follow the Confirm page instructions.

  2. Click Finish to exit the wizard.


See Also


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