The Plot Manager is divided into the following elements. For more details on using these, see the Plot Manager topic.
Plot Window
The Plot window is the large right pane which graphically displays the plot.
Use Ctrl+Mouse Wheel, Ctrl+Plus Sign, Ctrl+Minus Sign, or the zooming buttons on the toolbar.
Move the hairline cursor to view the data at any sample. The data will appear in the Plot Details pane. To move the cursor, click and drag with the mouse or use the left and right arrow keys, Page Up, and Page Down. To add a second cursor, right-click the plot and choose Show 2nd Cursor.
Captured Data Bar
The Captured Data bar is located at the top of the Plot pane. This bar has a blue tick mark at every sample in the Plot pane that contains data captured from the RMC. This bar may appear as a continuous blue bar if the uploaded samples are dense.
Toolbar Item |
Description |
Open Plot File |
Save Plot(s) |
Print Plot |
Current Plot Template indicates which plot template the Capture and Trend toolbar buttons apply to. |
Upload Captured Plot |
Start Trend |
Stop Trend or Stop Plot Upload |
Zoom to Window
Zoom to X Scale |
Zoom to Sample Period |
Zoom In |
Zoom Out |
Scroll to End |
Vertical Zoom In |
Vertical Zoom Out |
Zoom to Y Scale For scale groups set to Auto Scale, resets the vertical scale to autofit the contents of the scale group. For scale groups set to Manual Scale, resets the vertical scale to the manually set scale. |
Plotting Tab
On the Plotting tab, you can upload a captured plot, start a trend, or change plot template settings.
Edit a Plot Template
Click Edit.
Upload a Captured Plot
Click Capture.
Start a Trend
Click Trend.
History Tab
The History tab, located in the upper left pane, displays a list of all the plots you have uploaded. Every plot that is uploaded from the module is automatically saved under the Recently Uploaded Plots folder in this list. The following actions can be done in the History view:
View an Uploaded Plot
On the History tab, click the uploaded plot you wish to view.
Delete an Uploaded Plot
Select the plot, then click Delete.
Rename an Uploaded Plot
On the History tab, click the plot you wish to rename and press F2. Type the new name and press Enter.
Save Uploaded Plots
To save plots, on the Plot Manager toolbar, click Save Plot(s).
Export an Uploaded Plot
To export plot data for use in other programs such as Microsoft Excel, right-click the plot and choose Export Plot. See Saving and Exporting Plots for details.
View and Manage Auto-Saved Plots
RMCTools automatically saves a backup copy of every uploaded plot to an internal folder on the PC in order to prevent data loss if the user forgets to save plots before closing RMCTools.
To view backup copies of uploaded plots, expand Auto-Saved Plots and click View Auto-Saved Plots.
To change the settings of auto-saved plots, expand Auto-Saved Plots and click Auto-Save Settings.
For details, see Auto-Saved Plots.
Tuning Tab
The Tuning Tools, located on the Tuning tab in the upper left pane, is for tuning the axes. The Tuning Tools streamlines the tuning process by providing a single place where you can issue commands, change and download gains, and view plots of moves. In addition, plots are automatic uploaded after sending a command. All uploaded plots are listed on the History tab, and include the tuning parameters used for each plot, which can be viewed in the Parameters pane.
See the Tuning Tools topic for details.
Plot Details
The Plot Details tab, located in the bottom left pane, displays the plot data at the sample at which the hairline cursor in the plot is located. The color of each data item in the Plot Details corresponds to the color of each line in the plot. Values of DWORD data type are not displayed with a line, but the individual bits can be viewed in the Plot Details by clicking the '+' preceding the tag name.
Clicking an item in the Plot Details list will highlight the item in blue, and the vertical scale in the plot will change to apply to that item, if the item has a plotted line. All items that the currently displayed vertical scale applies to will be highlighted in light blue.
To change the data to be plotted, see the Plot Template Editor topic.
From the Plot Details, the following items can be changed for each data item:
Show/Hide Line
To show or hide a plot line do any of the following:
Click the color box of any item in the Plot Details to toggle the plot line on or off.
If the item in the Plot Details is selected, press the Spacebar to toggle the plot line on or off.
Double-click the item in the Plot Detail to toggle the plot line on or off.
Right-click an item in the Plot Details and choose Show Line or Hide Line, or Hide All But This or Show All Lines.
Set Pen Color
Right-click an item in the Plot Details and choose Set Pen Color. Choose a color and click OK.
Set Scale
Right-click an item in the Plot Details and choose Set Scale. Choose a scale option and click OK.
Format Number
This sets the number of decimal places to display. Right-click an item in the Plot Details and choose Format Number. Choose a format option and click OK.
Add Pen
If an item does not have a pen associated with, you can right-click the item in the Plot Details, choose Add Pen, then select a color to show the line in the plot.
Set X Axis
You can view the plot as an XY plot with the selected data item as the horizontal axis (x-axis) value, with all the other items plotted on the vertical axis (y-axis).
Clear X Axis
If the selected item is currently an X Axis, this will change the axis to a time-based plot, where the x axis is time.
Set X Axis Scale
If the selected item is currently an X Axis, this will set the scale of the horizontal axis, with options of Auto Scale and a Manual Scale.
Absolute Time
In the Plot Detail window, you can choose to display the absolute time of the cursor. This absolute time corresponds to the time displayed in the Event Log, and is very useful for correlating the Event Log with the plot when troubleshooting.
To show the absolute time:
On the View menu, click Show Absolute Time.
Parameters Pane
The Parameters tab, located in the bottom left pane, contains the axis gains and related parameters for each axis that is included in the currently displayed plot. This information is uploaded immediately after the plot has completed uploading. This information is also saved when a plot is saved.
See Also
Plot Overview | Plot Manager Overview | Using XY Plots
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