Changing Data from the Keyboard

The data in the COMMANDS, PLOT TIME and PARAMETER sections may be changed from the keyboard. Additionally the data in any of the table editors can be modified from the keyboard.

To enter values from the keyboard you must first select one or more cells. Selected cells are highlighted.


To select a single cell from the keyboard:

  1. Use the arrow keys to highlight a different cell.


To select multiple cells:

  1. Press and hold SHIFT at the first cell to be selected.

  2. Use the arrow keys to change the last cell to be selected.

  3. Release SHIFT.


Once one or more cells have been selected, type the desired value using one of the following formats:

Press ENTER to finalize your changes, or ESC or cancel your edits.


Note: In the fields that display values in hexadecimal, Pop-up Editors can be used to edit the data. This is the easiest way to ensure that these words are modified correctly.


Commands can also be issued using shortcut keys. To learn the command shortcut keys, click the Command menu, and look at the right column of the menu. For example, ALT+P will issue the P - Set Parameters command. Commands can also be issued using Stored Commands; see Using Stored Commands for more information.


Data may also be copied around the main screen. The keys used for doing so are identical to most spreadsheets.


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