Address Tool: Using with the Event Step Editor

The Address Tool can be used normally (see Address Tool Overview) to obtain addresses of any Event Step table field. However, it can also be used to simplify entering addresses into the Event Step table for commands that use RMC register addresses. Currently, the Add, Subtract, and MulDiv commands each require source and destination RMC register addresses. Manually entering these addresses is time consuming and error prone.

Therefore, the Address Tool's bookmark feature has been augmented to allow pasting bookmarked addresses into an Event Step table field. Here is how this feature is intended to be used:

  1. Bookmark the field or fields you will be pasting into the Event Step table as described in Bookmarking Addresses. It is usually quickest to bookmark several fields ahead of time so that this step does not need to be repeated for each address.

  2. In the Event Step table editor, select the field that will hold the bookmarked address. For example, to enter a bookmarked address into the source address field of an Add command, you would select the Deceleration field for that step. Notice that if you have already entered the command (+) in the command field, then the address fields will be displayed with parentheses to indicate that they are addresses.

  3. Press CTRL+B to start pasting an address into the field. This will bring the Address Tool to the foreground with a bookmarked address selected. This is equivalent to clicking Paste Bookmarked Address from the Edit menu in the Event Step table editor.

Notice that if you are in an Event Step table editor field that is recognized as an address (indicated by parentheses) because the command has already been entered, then you can press ENTER or double-click the field to start pasting an address into the field.

  1. Use the UP and DOWN ARROW KEYS to select the address you want to paste from the bookmark list. This is equivalent to selecting an address by clicking it with the mouse.

  2. Press ENTER to paste the value to the Event Step table editor and bring it to the foreground. This is equivalent to clicking Paste. Notice that the address pasted will automatically be converted to the RMC Commands format if you have another format selected in the Address Tool.

This sequence has been carefully designed to avoid requiring manually switching between foreground windows. That is, pasting an address is as simple as pressing CTRL+B, UP or DOWN ARROW KEYS, and then ENTER, without using the mouse at all. Of course, the mouse still can be used in all of the above steps.


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