Address Tool: Bookmarking Addresses

The name and address of the current field is continuously updated in the Address Tool. That is, as you select different fields with corresponding addresses, the current field's name and address will change in the Address Tool.

Whether you are using the Address Tool to give you addresses to use in your PLC program or in the Event Step table, you will often want to remember addresses that are used commonly. The Address Tool provides bookmarking to keep track of as many addresses as you want. In addition, bookmarked addresses can be easily entered in the Event Step table, as described in Using with the Event Step Editor.


To add a bookmark for a field's address:

  1. Select the cell of the field whose address you want to bookmark.

  2. In the Address Tool, click Bookmark.

Notice that clicking the Bookmark button brings the Address Tool to the foreground, which is often undesirable. Therefore, we recommend using one of the following shortcuts when bookmarking addresses:

Notice that if the address is already in the bookmark list, then the existing entry will be moved to the top of the list instead of adding a duplicate entry.


To delete one or more bookmarks from the address list:

  1. Open the Address Tool.

  2. In the Bookmarked Fields list, select the fields that you want to remove from the list.

  3. Click Delete.


To paste a bookmarked address to the Event Step table, see Using with the Event Step Editor.

Note: If you find yourself bookmarking many addresses, you may find it useful to increase the size of the Address Tool so that you do not have to scroll up and down in the bookmark list to find the address you need. Simply drag the border of the Address Tool to change its size.


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