Axis Parameter Registers Overview

The Axis Parameter Registers contain configuration information for each axis. These registers are editable. Each Register is a 32-bit word.

In general, the parameter registers can be changed at any time. Certain registers, especially the axis feedback setup parameters, require the axis to be in a disabled state in order to change them. Tuning parameters can be changed at any time, including during motion.

For a list of the Parameter Registers, see the Register Maps topic.

Viewing and Editing Parameter Registers

Use the Axis Tools to view, edit and download the Axis Parameters.

To edit a parameter:

  1. In the Axis Tools, in the Axes Parameters Pane, click the cell of the parameter you want to edit and enter a valid entry.

  2. Click the Download button to download the parameter to the RMC.

Certain parameters that affect motion require that the Direct Output Status bit be on, or the Enabled bit be off before the parameter can be changed. If you are editing the parameter from RMCTools, this will automatically be done for you.
This does not apply if the parameter is being changed with a command, such as with the Offset Position (47) command.

Tag Names

Tag names for axis status and parameter registers use the format _Axis[x].reg, where x specifies the axis number and reg is the tag name for that register. For example, _Axis[2].ActPos is the Actual Position of Axis 2.

If there is no number in the brackets, such as _Axis[].ActPos, the axis is the current axis for the current task. See the Tasks topic for more details.


See Also

Register Maps | Status Registers

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