Expression Editor

To access the Expression Editor:

From the Link Condition box in a Link Type:

In a step in a User Program, choose one of the following Link Types: Delay, Wait For, or Cnd Jump. Double-click the Link Condition box.

From the Expression Command:

In a step in a User Program, in the Command box, choose the Expression (113) command. Double-click the Expression box.

From the Program Triggers:

Double-click the Condition cell in any row.


Use the Expression Editor to manually create an expression. If you are editing a Condition expressions and wish to use a wizard to create an expression instead, exit the Expression Editor, and then click the ellipsis button in the Condition box.

For details on creating expressions in the Expression (113) command, see the Assignment Expressions topic. For details on creating expressions in Link Conditions or in the Program Triggers, see the Condition Expressions topic.

The Expression Editor consists of the following parts:

Navigating in the Expression Editor

Use the mouse to navigate, or use the keyboard as listed below:


When Focus is in...



Multi-line expressions*

Inserts a new line.

Single-line expressions

Accepts the expression and closes the Expression Editor.

A list in the Expression Browser

Inserts the selected item in the list.

Shift + Enter

Multi-line expressions*

Accepts the expression and closes the Expression Editor.


Multi-line expressions*

Accepts the expression and closes the Expression Editor.

Single-line expressions

Discards the changes and closes the Expression Editor.

The Expression Browser

Moves the focus to the Expression Editor.



Changes focus between the editor to the Expression Browser.


The Expression Browser

Opens the next tab.

*Multiline expressions include the Expression (113) command and Link Type conditions.

Exiting the Expression Editor

When editing multiline expressions (Expression (113) command or a Link Condition):

To exit and accept the expression, press Shift+Enter, press Esc, click OK, or click outside of the editor.

When editing single line expressions:

To exit and accept the expression, press Enter, or click OK, or click outside of the editor. To exit without accepting the edits, press Esc.

The Expression command requires a valid expression. The expression is valid when no errors are listed below the Assignment Expression box. To apply the expression to the Expression command, click OK. If errors exist, a dialog will warn you. To close the dialog and cancel the action, click Cancel.


See Also

Programming Overview | Expressions Overview | Functions | Operators | Keywords | Data Types | Troubleshooting Expressions

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