EtherCAT Diagnostics: FoE Tab

To access this window: In the EtherCAT Diagnostics, in the EtherCAT Explorer pane, click a SubDevice in the list, then click the FoE tab.


The FoE tab of the EtherCAT Diagnostics allows files to be downloaded to or uploaded from the SubDevice. Typically, the FoE (File over EtherCAT) functionality is used for:

Note: Not all SubDevices support FoE, and those that do may vary widely in how the FoE feature may be used. Make sure to consult the SubDevice manufacturer’s documentation for specific support and requirements. The SubDevice documentation is often not very clear about the FoE support.


The maximum upload/download file size is 2 MB. Check the SubDevice manufacturer’s documentation for supported file sizes.

Downloading a file to a SubDevice


Note: If downloading firmware to a SubDevice, first put the SubDevice in the Bootstrap state, which can be done from the EtherCAT Diagnostics General tab.

In the FoE Download section, do the following:

  1. In the Local Filename box, click the … button.

  2. Browse to a file on your PC, then click Open.

  3. Enter a SubDevice Filename if necessary.

    This is the name of the file after it is transferred to the SubDevice. For downloading firmware, this field is likely unnecessary. If there is a file system in the SubDevice, this will be the name of the file as stored in the SubDevice. If there is no file system, this field may be unnecessary.

  4. Enter a Password if necessary.

  5. If the file is large, you may wish to enter a longer timeout. If the download takes longer than the specified timeout, RMCTools will abort the download.

  6. Click Download to SubDevice.

Uploading a file from a SubDevice

In the FoE Upload section, do the following:

  1. In the Local Filename box, click the … button.

  2. Browse to a file on your PC, then click Open.

  3. Enter a SubDevice Filename. This is the name of the file in the SubDevice.

  4. Enter the maximum file size.

    Currently, only a max of 60 kB is allowed for an upload. This will be increased in a future release.

  5. Enter a Password if necessary.

  6. If the file is large, you may wish to enter a longer timeout. If the download takes longer than the specified timeout, RMCTools will abort the upload.

  7. Click Upload from SubDevice.


See Also

EtherCAT Diagnostics

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