Using Omron Controllers via the FINS Protocol

This topic describes communication via the FINS protocol. For EtherNet/IP, see Using Omron Controllers via EtherNet/IP I/O.

The RMC75E, RMC150E, and RMC200 can communicate with Omron CS/CJ/CP series PLCs via the FINS Ethernet protocol. This requires an Omron module such as the CS/CJ ETN21 module. When communicating with the RMC from an Omron PLC, use the RMC's FINS Addresses for addressing the RMC's registers.

Example Programs

Delta provides example PLC programs to help you quickly set up the communications between your PLC and the RMC. See the downloads section of Delta's website at

Procedure for Using the ETN21

Omron’s ”Ethernet Units Construction of Networks” manual (catalog number W420-E1-01) describes how to set up and use the ETN21. It provides very good detail, but is very large. The information below describes the steps necessary for using the ETN21 with the RMC.

  1. Set the ETN21 IP Address
    See section 2-7 in the ”Ethernet Units Construction of Networks” manual.

  2. Pair the FINS node address to the RMC75E IP Address
    See section 5 in the ”Ethernet Units Construction of Networks” manual. The Automatic Generation Method is the easiest.

  1. Using the SEND and RECV Instructions
    The SEND and RECV instructions are described in detail in Omron’s ”INSTRUCTIONS REFERENCE MANUAL” (catalog nr W340-E1-13). You will also need to refer to the ”Ethernet Units Construction of Networks” manual (catalog number W420-E1-04), section 6-6-3 for information on how to use these commands for Ethernet.


Some notes about setting up the control word for the SEND and RECV instructions for the RMC75E are given below:


Bits 08 to 15

Bits 00 to 07


Number of 16-bit words to read or write (1 to 512). The PLC supports reads up to 990 words, but the RMC is limited to 512 words. You will need to read or write two 16-bit words for each 32-bit register in the RMC.

C + 1

Always 00 for RMCs.

Remote Network Address. This is typically 0. It appears that if you are going from network through a PLC, to a network, then it may need to be set to some other number.

C + 2

Remote Node Number. For RMCs, this value should be set to whichever Node Number will be mapped to the RMC's IP address. If you use the automatic method, then it will be the same as the last byte of the IP address. For example, if the RMC’s IP address is, then this would be 34 (22 in hexadecimal).

Remote Unit Number. For RMCs, this value should be 0.

C + 3

Port Number: 00 to 07. The Port Number is used to allow simultaneous communications in the PLC.  Use a different number for each communication that may be requested simultaneously.

No. of Retries: 00 to 0F (0 to 15). For RMC communications, this value should be between 2 and 5.

C + 4

Timeout: 0001 to FFFF (0.1 to 6553.5 seconds).The default setting of 0000 sets a monitoring time of 2 seconds.  For RMC communications, this value should be set to 0001 or 0002 for 0.1 or 0.2 second timeouts.


See Also

Communications Overview | FINS Addressing | Using Omron Controllers via EtherNet/IP I/O

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