Command: Integrator Adjust (70)

Supported Axes:

All Axes

Supported Control Modes:

Position PID, Velocity PID, Pressure/Force


See the Commands Overview topic for basic command information and how to issue commands from PLCs, HMIs, etc.

Command Parameters


Parameter Description



Integral Output (%)

-100% to 100%


Integrator Select

  • Active (0)

  • Pos/Vel (1)

  • Prs/Frc (2)

A valid integer as described.


This command adjusts the Integral Output Term. The Integral Output value will be applied immediately to the Integral Output Term specified by the Integrator Select command parameter. Zeroing the Integral Output Term is useful if it is has undesirably wound up for some reason. This command is ignored if the Current Integrator Mode is set to "Always Zero".

The Integral Output value is given in percent of maximum Control Output, which is normally 10V. Therefore, 0% means clear the integrator, 100% means 10V, and -100% means -10V.

The Integrator Select command parameter selects which integrator to apply the new value to. Typically, this should be set to Active (0), to apply to the current integrator. The other options are only necessary for Pressure/Force Limit in Position PID and Velocity PID modes.


The Integral Output Term cannot be adjusted in any of the I-PD modes whether or not Pressure/Force Limit enabled.

The Integral Output Term can also be manipulated with the Set Integrator Mode (71) command and the Default Integrator Mode axis parameter.

Why Bother?

Sometimes, the Integral Output Term may wind up, which can cause problems. For example, one customer wanted to move a cylinder until it hit an object, and then back up 1 inch. The problem was that when the cylinder hit the object, the Integral Output Term wound up, causing the cylinder to delay after it was commanded to move backward. By clearing the integrator immediately before issuing the command to back up, the problem was solved.


See Also

Integral Gain | Integral Output Term

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