RMCLink.Interop .NET Assembly

RMCLink.CreateUSBLink Method

Creates an RMCLink object for communicating with a controller (RMC70, RMC150, or RMC200) over a USB port.


Visual Basic (Declaration)

Public Shared Function CreateUSBLink ( _

   devType As DeviceType, _

   deviceId As String _

) As RMCLink


Visual Basic (Usage)

Dim devType As DeviceType

Dim deviceId As String

Dim returnValue As RMCLink


returnValue = RMCLink.CreateUSBLink(devType, deviceId)



public static RMCLink CreateUSBLink (

   DeviceType devType,

   string deviceId



Visual C++/CLI


static RMCLink^ CreateUSBLink (

   DeviceType devType,

   String^ deviceId




Specifies which type of RMC will be linked to. It must be either DeviceType.RMC70, DeviceType.RMC150, or DeviceType.RMC200.


Specifies which controller to connect to over the USB port:

RMC75E: The controller’s 10-digit serial number in the format ”7573xxyyzz”.

RMC150: The Ethernet (MAC) Address in the format ”00-50-A0-xx-yy-zz”.

RMC200: The CPU module's serial number in the format ”22Cyynnnn”.

Return Value

Returns a reference to a new RMCLink object created for communicating with the specified device type with the specified deviceId over a USB port.


Notice that this method does not in any way try to connect to the controller. This method simply creates the RMCLink object. To connect to the device, you will need to call the Connect instance method.

Because the object is only created and the connection is not made, this method returns immediately.


Exception Type



The deviceId parameter refers to a null (Nothing in Visual Basic) object.


Either the devType parameter is set to neither DeviceType.RMC70, DeviceType.RMC150, nor DeviceType.RMC200, or the deviceId parameter is blank.


The following code example illustrates the use of the CreateUSBLink method.

Visual Basic

Imports RMCLinkNET
Module Example
    Sub Main()
        ' Create the object itself.
        Dim rmc As RMCLink = RMCLink.CreateUSBLink(DeviceType.RMC70, "7573091001")
        ' Connect to the controller.
        ' Read and display Axis 0's Actual Position (F8:8).
        Dim data() As Single = New Single(0) {}
        Console.WriteLine("Axis0 Actual Position = " & data(0) & " inches")
        ' Disconnect from the controller.
    End Sub
End Module



using System;
using RMCLinkNET;
namespace Example
    public class Program
        static void Main()
            // Create the object itself.
            RMCLink rmc = RMCLink.CreateUSBLink(DeviceType.RMC70, "7573091001");
            // Connect to the controller.
            // Read and display Axis 0's Actual Position.
            float[] data = new float[1];
            Console.WriteLine("Axis0 Actual Position = " + data[0] + " inches");
            // Disconnect from the controller.


Visual C++/CLI

using namespace System;
using namespace RMCLinkNET;
int main()
    // Create the object itself.
    RMCLink^ rmc = RMCLink::CreateUSBLink(DeviceType::RMC70, "7573091001");
    // Connect to the controller.
    // Read and display Axis 0's Actual Position.
    array<float>^ data = gcnew array<float>(1);
    Console::WriteLine("Axis0 Actual Position = " + data[0] + " inches");
    // Disconnect from the controller.
    return 0;


See Also

RMCLink.Interop .NET Assembly | RMCLinkNET Namespace | RMCLink Class | DeviceType

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