RMCLink COM Component

RMCLink.Connect Method

Establishes a connection with a controller using the settings specified when the RMCLink object was created (device type, port name, host name).


Visual Basic (Declaration)

Sub Connect ()


Visual Basic (Usage)

Dim instance As RMCLink




This method is synchronous, which means that it will not return until the connection has been established, or the connection attempt fails and a COM exception is thrown, which may take several seconds to take place. If this method is called on the main thread, then the application will likely be unresponsive until this method completes. For applications where this is not acceptable, this and other synchronous methods should be called from a worker thread, and may use the CancelRequest method to cancel an in progress request.

WARNING: For Ethernet connections, it is highly recommended that the connection not be disconnected and re-connected between transactions. Doing so will have lower performance, and more importantly, each call to Connect() will consume a TCP connection in the Windows operating system. This TCP connection will not be fully released by the operating system until typically 2 minutes after Disconnect() is called. Therefore, it is possible to consume all available TCP connections by repeated calls to Connect()/Disconnect() and as a result be unable to re-connect over RMCLink or even adversely affect other applications running on the same PC.


Error Code


rmcEOutOfMemory = 5

Out of memory.

rmcEAlreadyConnected = 1006

The link was already connected. To avoid this error, avoid calling Connect when the link is already connected. Use IsConnected if you are not sure if the connection is already made.

rmcESocketInternal = 1008

Internal socket error.

rmcESocketConnectionFailure = 1009

Unable to connect over TCP/IP to requested device.

rmcECancelled = 1010

Operation cancelled by call to CancelRequest.

rmcETimeout = 1011

Operation timed out.

rmcESocketHostNameNotIPv4 = 1012

Host name did not resolve to an IPv4 address.

rmcESocketHostNameNotResolved = 1013

Host name did not resolve.

rmcESocketGracefullyClosed = 1014

TCP/IP connection closed by remote device.

rmcESocketReadError = 1015

Connection error while waiting for response from the remote device.

rmcESocketInvReadLen = 1016

Connection error while waiting for response from the remote device.

rmcESocketWriteError = 1017

Connection error while sending request to the remote device.

rmcESocketInvWriteLen = 1018

Connection error while sending request to the remote device.

rmcEPortAccessDenied = 1019

Access to serial port denied. Verify not in use by another application.

rmcEPortNotFound = 1020

Serial port not found.

rmcESerialIOE = 1021

Serial IOE error.

rmcESerialFramingError = 1022

Serial framing error.

rmcESerialBreak = 1023

Serial Break error.

rmcESerialOverrun = 1024

Serial overrun.

rmcESerialRxOverrun = 1025

Serial receive overrun.

rmcESerialParityError = 1026

Serial parity error.

rmcESerialTxFull = 1027

Serial transmitter full.

rmcEConnectionBroken = 1028

Connection broken.

rmcEPartialWrite = 1029

Unable to send full request to the remote device.

rmcESocketHostnameInvalid = 1033

Invalid host name format.

rmcEWrongController = 1034

Remote device is the wrong controller type.

rmcEUSBNoDrivers = 1049

Unable to access RMC USB driver. Please ensure that the driver has been properly installed.

rmcEUSBDeviceNotFound = 1050

The controller with the specified DeviceId was not found on any USB port.

rmcEUSBInternal1 = 1051

Internal USB driver error.

rmcEUSBInternal2 = 1052

Internal USB driver error.

rmcEUSBOperationAborted = 1053

Unsuccessful transfer of data between the PC and the controller. Ensure that the physical connection between the PC and controller is still intact.

rmcEUSBDisconnected = 1054

The controller appears to have been disconnected from the USB port. Ensure that the physical connection between the PC and controller is still intact.

rmcEUSBUnknownFailure = 1055

The requested RMC is plugged into a USB port, but cannot be accessed. Ensure that no other applications are using this RMC. If the problem persists, try unplugging and re-plugging the USB cable to this controller and retry.

rmcEUSBInUse = 1056

The requested RMC is plugged into a USB port, but cannot be accessed. Ensure that no other applications are using this RMC. If the problem persists, try unplugging and re-plugging the USB cable to this controller and retry.

rmcEUSBNoSetupAPI = 1057

Unable to access operating system functionality for connecting to USB devices.


The following code example illustrates the use of the Connect method.

Visual Basic 6 / VBA

Option Explicit
Public Sub Sample()
    ' Declare and create the RMCLinkServer COM object.
    Dim srv As New RMCLinkServer 
    ' Use our RMCLinkServer to create the correct type of RMCLink object.
    Dim rmc As RMCLink
    Set rmc = srv.CreateEthernetLink(dtRMC70, "") 
    ' Establish the connection.
    ' Read F8:8 and F8:9 (Axis 0 Actual Position and Velocity)
    Dim data As Variant
    data = rmc.ReadFFile(fn70StatusAxis0, 8, 2)
    resultText = "Actual Position = " & data(0) & ", Actual Velocity = " & data(1) 
    ' Close the connection.
End Sub



Option Explicit
Dim srv, rmc, data
' First we need to create the RMCLinkServer COM object.
Set srv = CreateObject("RMCLink.RMCLinkServer")
' Use our RMCLinkServer to create the correct type of RMCLink object.
' NOTE: VBScript does not support enumerations, so we use the literal value (dtRMC70=2).
Set rmc = srv.CreateEthernetLink(2, "")
' Establish the connection.
' Read F8:8 and F8:9 (Axis 0 Actual Position and Velocity)
data = rmc.ReadFFile_Script(8,8,2)
WScript.Echo "Actual Position = " & data(0) & ", Actual Velocity = " & data(1)
' Close the connection.



// First we need to create the RMCLinkServer COM object.
var srv = new ActiveXObject("RMCLink.RMCLinkServer");
// Use our RMCLinkServer to create the correct type of RMCLink object.
// NOTE: JScript does not support enumerations, so we use the literal value (dtRMC70=2).
var rmc = srv.CreateEthernetLink(2, "");
// Establish the connection.
// Read F8:8 and F8:9 (Axis 0 Actual Position and Velocity)
var data = rmc.ReadFFile_Script(8,8,2).toArray();
WScript.echo("Actual Position = " + data[0] + ", Actual Velocity = " + data[1]);
// Close the connection.


See Also

RMCLink Class | RMCLink COM Component

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Copyright (c) 2024 Delta Computer Systems, Inc. dba Delta Motion