Valid 16-Bit Positions

The positions used by the RMC are stored in a 16-bit number. This limits the range of positions to 65536 positions. However, by using the Scale and Offset parameters, the user can shift where this 65,536-position range is located.

If Scale is positive, then Offset holds the lowest position value. Any positions displayed below this value are not valid. They overflowed the absolute maximum supported position of 65,535.

If Scale is negative, then Offset holds the highest position value. Any positions displayed above this value are not valid. They overflowed the absolute minimum supported position of -65,535.

Example 1:

Scale: 30,300

Offset: 0

Position Range: 0 to 65,535

Discussion: Because Scale is positive, the positions range from Offset to Offset + 65,535.

Example 2:

Scale: 25,604

Offset: -1000

Position Range: -1000 to 64,535

Discussion: Because Scale is positive, the positions range from Offset to Offset + 65,535.

Example 3:

Scale: 32,050

Offset: 1000

Position Range: 1000 to 65,535

Discussion: Because Scale is positive, the positions range from Offset to Offset + 65,535. However, because the upper limit would be greater than 65,535 (66,535), it is truncated at 65,535. Notice that positions less than the Offset (1000) are not valid. They were beyond 65,535 and therefore wrapped back down to 0-999.

Example 4:

Scale: -30,300

Offset: 40,000

Position Range: -25,535 to 40,000

Discussion: Because Scale is negative, the positions range from Offset - 65,535 to Offset.

Example 5:

Scale: -31,541

Offset: -10,000

Position Range: -65,536 to -10,000

Discussion: Because Scale is negative, the positions range from Offset - 65,535 to Offset. However, because the lower limit would be less than -65,536 (-75,536), it is truncated at -65,536. Notice that positions greater than the Offset (-10,000) are not valid. They were beyond -65,535 and therefore wrap around to -9999 to 0.


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