Set Count Offset Command

Character: #
Decimal: 35
Hexadecimal: 0x23
Command Value: Count Offset


Note: This command is supported in RMC100 CPU firmware dated 20030403 or later.


This command is used to offset the Transducer Counts on SSI and Analog Velocity axes, as explained below. This Count Offset value can be saved to Flash with the Update Flash (U) command and will then be valid on the axis until changed by another Set Count Offset (35) command.


SSI Axes:

This command offsets the Transducer Counts (before it is converted to position units) by the amount specified in the Command Value ( 32767 to +32768). This is useful on SSI rotary absolute axes for setting the zero point of the axis.


Analog Velocity Axes (control and reference):

This command offsets the Transducer Counts (before it is converted to velocity units) by the amount specified in the Command Value ( 32767 to +32768). This is useful for setting the zero velocity point of an axis with tachometer feedback.


A tachometer is wired to an RMC100 analog input. The Transducer Counts field (the Counts field in the Status area of RMCWin) shows -150 when the tachometer is not rotating. This incorrect feedback will cause the axis to rotate after issuing a command for 0 velocity.

Issuing a Set Count Offset (#) command with a command value of 150 results in the Counts field correctly showing 0. The axis will now control properly.


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