LCD Screen Editor: Using LCD Screen Files

The entire set of LCD screens can be saved and restored from disk files in the LCD Screen File (.lcd) format. It is not possible to save or restore individual screens or fields. Use the clipboard to copy these elements between LCD screen files. See Using the Clipboard for details.

The LCD Screen Editor always has exactly one LCD screen file open. Therefore, creating a new file, opening an existing file, or uploading a file from the RMC will overwrite the existing file. If you have made changes that have not been saved, you will be prompted to save the existing file before the operation completes. At this time, you will be given the option of canceling the operation.


The following file operations are available from the File menu:



Create a new LCD screen file with a single blank screen.


Open an existing LCD screen file.


Save the current LCD screen file to its current file name.

Save As

Save the current LCD screen file to a new file name.

Recently Used File

Open a recently used file. The file names of the four most-recently-used LCD screen files will be listed near the end of the File menu. Select the file you want to open.


See Also: LCD Screen Editor Topics

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