LCD Screen Editor: Renaming Screens

The tree pane lists screens and fields. The screen names are set to Screen x by default, where x is the number of the screen (0-15). The field names are set by default based on the fields' content. For example, Axis 0 Actual Position is one possible default field name.

It is possible to rename both screens and fields. However, these names are not downloaded to the RMC. Therefore, uploading LCD screens from an RMC will revert back to the default names.

To rename a screen:

  1. In the tree pane, select the screen.

  2. On the Edit menu, click Rename.
    You can also use the shortcut menu, shortcut key (F2), or click again on the screen name in the tree pane to start the rename command.

  3. Type in the new name.

  4. Press ENTER.


See Also: LCD Screen Editor Topics

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