LCD Screen Editor: Editing Screen Text

Each screen consists of static text plus up to four fields, which change dynamically. The screen pane of the LCD Screen Editor is used to edit the static text. This text box behaves very similarly to other text boxes you have encountered in Windows applications.


Moving the Insertion Point

The following table summarizes the actions used to move the insertion point (cursor):




Moves the insertion point up one row.


Moves the insertion point down one row.


Moves the insertion point left one character.


Moves the insertion point right one character.


Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the current line.


Moves the insertion point to the end of the current line of text.


Moves the insertion point to the character that was clicked.


Selecting a Block of Text

To select a block of text, use the SHIFT key in conjunction with any of the above. The selection extends from the original insertion point when the SHIFT key was first depressed to the current insertion point. Once text is selected you can cut or copy it to the clipboard or delete it.

You can also select all text in the screen pane. To select all text in the screen pane:

  1. On the Edit menu, click Select All. You can also use the shortcut menu or shortcut key (CTRL+A).


Typing Text

To type text in the screen pane's text box, simply position the cursor and start typing. However, you will need to be aware of the difference between Insert and Overtype modes. For details on these modes, see Selecting Insert or Overtype Mode.


See Also: LCD Screen Editor Topics

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